I'm just really disappointed because I'd been hoping and hoping and hoping that my writing mojo's come back. And then I finally open up the fic file, read through and make more edits, and then discover I left off at an UNFINISHED sentence. So I finish it, spend 4 minutes writing the next sentence, and then delete them both. I can't feel where I'm going with this fic and this fic is so crucial to this 'verse and jsuto alkjsdafjakjf;jfakl;sfjlas;dfjksd
Well I forced myself to write a sentence I thought up during one of my trips to the bathroom (drinking way too much tea right now, lol) and suddenly word vomit everywhere. What even.
Comments 8
if it makes you feel any better, I get like that a lot, especially with this fandom because oh my god they can be pretty nasty >___>
But yes, I know. It can be so frustrating and just kasjldsd.
If there's anything at all I can do to help, I would totally be up for it <3
Well I forced myself to write a sentence I thought up during one of my trips to the bathroom (drinking way too much tea right now, lol) and suddenly word vomit everywhere. What even.
Totally okay, though. Panic attacks happen when and where they will. I once had one for absolutely no reason at all.
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