@_@ Reading the Air Gear novel. It's not that interesting as I thought so far (judging from ch.1) but, it makes me laugh how Spitfire is narrating it. But the story is about Kazu.
He's narrating every-little-move-and-thought of Kazu's.
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STALKER?!Oh sure, they throw in Emiri to make it seem like Kazu and Emiri are the only ones there
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Comments 27
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HAHAHAHA!! that's enough grounds for fangirls to go into fic/art/doujin frenzy. especially the Japanese (not sure about you, tho :P)
I did think SupiKazu had some potential, but this novel totally kicked it into the gutter. x_x haha I do hope people do make doujin out of it tho. . . there isn't a lot of AG doujinshi unfortunately. T_T
lol, i actually recall "meeting" you someplace outside the Reborn fandom/community, and thought i'd add you then not only for that other fandom but because of Reborn too, heh. i don't remember anymore if it was airgear or seiyuus whut lol.
Ohh, really? haha I'm in a bunch of fandoms, I tend to forget who I met where. lol XD Well, we seem to share a bunch of same fandoms (I like DOGS too~ XD) I hope you don't mind me friending you. :3
n-Now why is this pairing so underrated when there's so much evidence lying around. DDDD:
I like them more than IkkiKazu. X_x Even if they're like. . . so ghei, I still think SupiSanoKazu is like so much hotter. XD
s-Spitfire's my favourite character. xD The reason why I dropped Air Gear was cuz they killed him and Sano, and I'm like, "WTF, getting rid of fanservice is the last thing you want to do when you want your manga to make it big."
oh wait, if he's dead, then maybe he's narrating it using his Amazing Post-Death Godly Powers. or something.:P
does that mean unlock and you are both gonna molest me if I cos Kazu!? O_O|||
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I thought Spitfire is the utimate stalker? He knows what Kazu is doing without any funny gadgets, unlike Sano. They're pedophile too?
Oh sure, they throw in Emiri to make it seem like Kazu and Emiri are the only ones there, but somehow Spitfire knows everything. He even talks about how Kazu is dumb and doesn't realize Emiri's feelings. Where the heck are you watching to narrate this story? X___X;; Kinda creepy, no? >___>;;
It's not creepy at all. Spitfire is the ultimate stalker in Air Gear, of course he knows everything especially when it comes to his beloved Kazu
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