"It's *awesome*! A Supernatural convention!"

Jan 09, 2011 19:43

Creation Entertainment's Salute to Supernatural
Fri., Sat. & Sun.
October 7-9, 2011

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supernatural, is this real life?, brb flailing, made of awesome, fandoms

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Comments 6

shini_no_shisha January 14 2011, 23:51:55 UTC
Ok first can I mention that the girl (forgot her name ^^;) on your gif is one of the greatest girl of spn!!! Along with Helen and Joe (which ended bad for me ;_;)

I was maybe thinking of going to the one in BC just to go to BC XDDD but I need to ck how much it would be first.... if it's too expensive I'll come with you to the one in Toronto!!!


shiroi_yami January 15 2011, 03:21:07 UTC
Hahaha yeah, Becky is awesome XDD And yeah, what happened with Ellen & Jo was really sad ;__; (the girls on this show don't tend to do too well, do they? :S)

Well, the tickets for the con will be expensive either way, unfortunately. It's just that TO is a lot closer, so no plane necessary XD (well, it's an option, i guess, but cheaper to drive or take the bus) Tho if you want to go to BC anyway, then I guess you don't mind XDDD Anyhoo, lemme know! ^^


shini_no_shisha January 15 2011, 15:45:28 UTC
yeah I wish she was there more often.
Well you know I didn't mind how bad the girls did in this show cause I didn't like them xDDD but those 2 I liked ;_; Becky needs to come back.
Oh I just finished season 5 can I say I just cried my eyes out!!!! Dean ;_; he's all alone (I don't count Lisa and Ben cause I don't really like them ^^;;;) Cass is so awesome... "ass-butt" hahahaha I'll never get over it! He got so bad influenced by Dean xDDDDD

Deji-chan seems to be aiming for To too and I think I won't have enough budget ^^;;; everything cost me more then I expected and after I'm done paying for my brother's wedding in Dominican Republic I,ll be even more broke XDDD so the odds of me choosing To are big XDDDD Anyway Cass and Dean are suppose to be there no?


shiroi_yami January 16 2011, 04:10:04 UTC
Yeah, the end of season 5 was so sad ;___; Heh, I actually don't really mind Lisa, tho that might just be because she has the same name as me ;P so when Sam was all "go and be with Lisa", I was all "hehehe yes please!" XDDD and lol, yeah, Cas definitely got influenced there XD

Ooh, that's right, I forgot about the wedding. Well, if you're leaning toward TO then, that's fine by me ;) Yeah, they're both supposed to be there (I say "supposed to" because it's happened in the past that sometimes actors have to cancel an appearance cause of some other commitment, but hopefully that won't happen *crosses fingers*), along with Sam's actor, the actors who played the young versions of their parents, and the guy who played Andy (who was awesome <3). They're supposed to announce more ppl too, so I'm excited to see who else they might get ^^


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