FIRSTBORN: Epilogue (at last!)

Nov 07, 2003 04:08

I thought I’d better finish this before everyone forgot what the story was even about! Here’s a happy ending, and maybe a few surprises. Thank you for coming with me on this very unusual journey, and thank you lilybaggins for the inspiration and the little “nudge out the door”.

ancalime8301 has kindly compiled a list of all the Mpregs she can get her hands on. The link to the list (which includes all previous chapters of “Firstborn”) is:

Part 15/15
Rated: PG-13

S.R. 1421, September 22

“They’re coming,” Frodo whispered. He stood up and hastily brushed off the leaves with which Mira and Gloria had been trying to bury him. The toddlers laughed with joy as Uncles Pippin and Merry caught them up in their arms, and the two small soldiers came to stand with Frodo, Sam with them.

Sam’s heart skipped a beat as the riders approached. He had forgotten how beautiful the Lady was.

“Frodo!” Sila cried. He leaped from his horse and ran across the glade, throwing his arms about the hobbit. “I have missed you!”

“And I have missed you,” laughed Frodo. “Are you well?”

“Yes,” Sila assured him. “I am grieved to be leaving my brother and the rest of my kin, but it is time for me to sail. I can feel it.” He put Frodo down and smiled at the children. “How beautiful they are, Frodo. I can tell they bring you great joy.”

“They do,” Frodo smiled. As Sila went to greet Merry, Pippin, and Sam, and hug each child gently, Frodo moved to meet the riders as they dismounted. Elrond, the Lady Galadriel, and many folk from Lórien and Rivendell rode with them, as did…

“Bilbo!” Frodo cried. Elrond gently lifted the old hobbit down from his pony, and Frodo ran to embrace him. “Oh Bilbo, how I’ve missed you.”

“My dear lad,” Bilbo grinned. “Do you know that I have passed the Old Took today?”

“I do,” Frodo said. “Please, Bilbo, tell me what you’ve decided.”

“I am coming home with you,” Bilbo replied. “I wish to spend my final days in the Shire. And I would like to get to know your little ones in the time I have left!”

“I’m so glad you’re staying, Bilbo,” Frodo sighed. “So very glad.”

“Frodo,” Elrond said, coming to greet him, “you have decided to remain?”

“Yes,” Frodo said firmly. “It is difficult for me here, Lord Elrond, but the twins bring me such joy, and their energy seems to lighten even my darkest days. I cannot bear to leave them, or Middle-earth. The time is not yet.”

“If you ever feel the need to sail, Frodo,” Galadriel said, “you may. Passage is promised to you all.” She nodded at Frodo, Bilbo, and Sam.

“Thank you, Lady,” the three Ringbearers murmured.

I have something for you, Frodo.” Sila came to Frodo’s side and held out a scroll tied with a silver ribbon. “A gift from my family to your children. Our children.”

“What is it?” Frodo asked, taking the scroll.

“It is the deed to Mirkwood.”

“The…” Frodo started to laugh. “Are you joking?”

“I am not. I learned that hobbits require documents and legalities, therefore my father retained the services of scholars in preparing this.”

Frodo looked down at the scroll in disbelief. “Are you saying that Gloria and Mira own Mirkwood?”

Sila nodded. “Most of our people are moving south, to help restore Ithilien and live near the Sea. A vast and beautiful woodland will be all but empty, Frodo. Míriel and Glóriel are grandchildren to the King. They and their families will safeguard the land. When the time comes, they will know what to do.”

“Wow,” Pippin murmured.

“Imagine that,” Sam marveled.

“We’d better get busy having families of our own, Pip,” Merry grinned. “These little beauties should have lots of suitors, don’t you think?”

“What of your father?” Frodo asked Sila in concern. “Does he not dwell there still?”

In answer, Sila motioned to the stately Elf standing next to Elrond.

“Father,” he said simply.

“Ring-bearer,” Thranduil murmured. To Frodo’s astonishment, the Elven King knelt in front of him and drew him into his arms.

“I see the light in your children, Frodo Baggins,” the King said, his eyes shining, “as I see the light in you. My ancient realm will be in good hands, and the bloodline of the Firstborn will yet flow and thrive. I can pass into the West in peace.”

With tears of wonder and joy in his eyes, Frodo bowed deeply. One by one, the Elves said their goodbyes, and each gave a special blessing to the two beautiful, golden-haired children who would be their hope, and keep their memory alive.

And over the years, it came to pass that in Middle-earth there were born more and still more hobbits with the starlight of the Firstborn in their eyes and their hearts. They danced and sang, and walked with reverence through the ancient forests, learning and teaching. And so they still do, to this day.



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