lilybaggins FroPreg Challenge -- PART 6

Jul 14, 2003 08:16

Here’s Part 6 of my response to lilybaggins Frodo mpreg Challenge. Now that I have a clue as to where this is going, this blasted insidious story won't leave me alone.

A title at last! And I added more names to the ‘Characters’ list. Oh, and paulaberr and ancalime8301 wanted more Gimli, so. . .

Part 6/?
Rated: PG-13
Characters: Frodo, Aragorn, Legolas, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Elrond, Gandalf, Galadriel

Frodo startled awake again, and reached out to reassure himself that he was truly surrounded by hobbits and not alone in a strange and frightening place. This time, he found that somehow his friends had arranged themselves so that Sam had hold of his hand, Pippin was curled at his side, and Merry had reached across Pippin to entwine a hand in his shirt. All three were asleep, and Frodo relaxed again, and sank back into slumber.

“You were wise to bring them, Aragorn,” Gimli stated. He wrestled another log onto the fire and regained his seat next to Legolas.

“You know very well that the only reason I brought them is that otherwise, I would have had to lock them up,” Aragorn sighed, puffing on his pipe. “They would not be gainsaid.”

“How will you rule a Shire full of them?” Gimli asked.

“One problem at a time, my good Dwarf.”

“It is good that they are here,” Legolas mused, “and not just for Frodo.” He turned to Aragorn with a grim look. “Frodo overheard the Men discussing ‘other halflings in the City,’ did he not? Perhaps all four would have been abducted by now, if they were not here with us.”

“I have been thinking the same thing,” said Aragorn thoughtfully. “When we return, they will all have to be guarded, in some way.”

“I do not envy you,” Gimli chuckled.

“Our Dwarf will make an excellent guard,” observed Legolas. He looked up into the glittering stars, and smiled. “He is fearless, stalwart, trustworthy… however, if Frodo should choose to bribe him with his mithril coat…” He suddenly started coughing violently as Gimli nonchalantly breathed a mouthful of pipeweed smoke into his face.

“I would not say that I am fearless, but I am certainly wiser than to incur the wrath of Samwise Gamgee,” Gimli observed with a grin at Aragorn. “Perhaps, for a few days, one of us should taste your food before you eat of it, Aragorn -- at least until Master Gamgee has forgiven you.”

Aragorn laughed, but soon the three companions grew serious once more.

“Legolas,” Aragorn asked, “Do you think that Elrond would have any information or lore that could help Frodo?”

“If anyone does, it would be he, or perhaps Galadriel,” answered Legolas. “But surely they have begun their journeys home by now?”

“I doubt that Elrond and my brothers would leave Arwen until I returned,” Aragorn said confidently.

“We must find that Elf, Aragorn,” said Legolas. “He is still a prisoner.”

“We will try, my friend,” answered Aragorn, “but first, we must get Frodo and the others back to the City in safety.” He stood up and stretched. “Let us take some rest. We start back in the morning.”

As it happened, however, the group’s departure was delayed one more day. Shortly after awakening the next morning, Frodo acquired a violent headache, and began to shake. He felt weak and sick, and Aragorn feared that the hobbit’s body was reacting to withdrawal from the herb to which it had become accustomed. However, Frodo refused Aragorn’s suggestion of ingesting a tiny amount of the herb mixture, at longer and longer intervals, which might help his body adjust to its loss.

“No,” Frodo insisted with gritted teeth, “no more. I can bear it. I must.”

Sam was frantic, and Merry and Pippin felt helpless, but the only person, that day, who was able to bring Frodo any measure of relief, was Legolas. The Elf spent much of the day sitting with him, singing and telling him stories. Finally, in the afternoon, Frodo fell into an exhausted sleep, and when he awoke, hours later, the symptoms had abated.

“Once again I am amazed at the resilience of hobbits,” Aragorn marveled.

“I fear I will need all of my resilience in the days to come,” Frodo answered with a tired smile.


Two days out from Minas Tirith, the King’s guard, former Dúnedain, met them and rejoiced at the safe return of both their Captain and the Ring-bearer. Several of them returned to the City to inform the Steward and the Queen of the party’s imminent return, but most of the company remained to accompany the King and his party back to the City.

As they drew closer to the White City, the high spirits that Frodo had regained over the past days seemed to diminish, and he rode slower and slower until he finally brought his pony to a stop. The party halted, and waited patiently as Aragorn dismounted and came to Frodo’s side.

“Frodo, are you well?”

“Aragorn,” Frodo asked quietly, “Will I truly be bearing a child, here in Gondor?”

“Yes. I am sorry that you will not see the Shire again as soon as you had hoped, Frodo, but as soon as you and child can travel---”

“But what happens when it is time to… I mean, how will I ever…”

Aragorn took Frodo’s hand. “My friend, we will have to help the child to arrive. My Men report that Elrond and Galadriel have remained in the City, and we will consult with them, as well as with the healers. I have already sent a sealed message to Gandalf and Elrond, so they will know what has occurred.” He smiled at the hobbit. “Do not worry overmuch about how the child will be born -- concentrate on staying well, and following the healers’ advice. I promise that you and the child will have the best of care.”

“The child,” Frodo murmured. “It’s still so unbelievable.” He slowly smiled. “Whatever will they say in the Houses of Healing?”

Aragorn smiled back. “They will say that, once again, a brave perian is accomplishing the impossible.”

“I’m growing quite weary of doing that,” Frodo sighed.

“I do believe he was referring to me,” said Merry, overhearing.

“Or me,” added Pippin. “Really, Frodo, you need to stop thinking of yourself all the time.”

Frodo laughed, his eyes suddenly sparkling with mischief. “We’d best get moving, Aragorn,” he said just loudly enough for the waiting Men to hear, "so you can get back to your honeymoon!”

Red-faced but grinning, Aragorn walked back to his waiting steed amidst good-natured laughter from all around him. He was pleased at how quickly Frodo was recovering from his ordeal; he hoped fervently that it would last.


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