Title: Conscience
Day/Theme: February 5 - "And hold there is no sin but ignorance"
Series: Ace Attorney
Character/Pairing: Phoenix Wright
Rating: K
When the man kneed him in the crotch, Phoenix knew two things.
He was getting closer to the truth of the situation.
The man knew it as well.
After the pain stopped and he could stand again, even if somewhat haltingly, he started to search the room. The man had made a huge error on his part, and that was leaving Phoenix alone in the room. A part of Phoenix he sometimes identified as his conscience told him to stop, that it was wrong to go through another person’s belongings, and that taking anything (because it knew that Phoenix would) constituted as stealing. Phoenix ignored the voice, rifling through the chest of drawers until he found a gun tucked in the back, a single bullet missing and all the rest matching the one found in the victim.
He didn’t need a voice in his head to tell him right from wrong. He already knew it, fought for it. He also knew that not doing all he could to find the truth-to know whether his client was innocent, or who the real killer was-was the worst thing he could do.