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Please feel free to skip over any pairings you're not familiar with or have little interest in. Both polls will remain open until Friday, May 21st @ 11:59 PM EST.
Round II - Poll #3 )
Comments 15
James T. Kirk/Spock (Star Trek 2009)
Oh, well. You tried Data/Spock. At least I found out I'm not the only person who'd vote for you, even when you are up against Kirk/Spock.
Howl/Sophie Hatter (Howl's Moving Castle novel)'
I HAD to vote for Howl and Sophie because they have a smaller fandom and I love their relationship so much. Everyone, I demand you do the same!
Sophie looked up at him. As she had feared, the hard black-and-white daylight coming through the broken wall showed her that Howl had not bothered to shave or tidy his hair. His eyes were still red-rimmed and his black sleeves were torn in several places. There was not much to choose between Howl and the scarecrow. Oh, dear! Sophie thought. He must love Miss Angorian very much, “I came for Miss Angorian,” she explained.
“And I thought if I arranged for your family to visit you, it would keep you quiet for once!” Howl said disgustedly. “But no-”
“I’m the eldest!” Sophie shrieked. “I’m a failure ( ... )
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