Poll #1 -- Hottest 'Ship 2009-2010

Apr 24, 2010 10:08

Welcome back to the battle of all battles! We are determined to see this through, no matter what. So we ask that you please keep it fair! Thank you for your continued support.

The brackets will be posted a little later today as I'm having a hard time getting the image right. *hands*

Changing Your Vote: After you vote in a poll, you can change your answers by clicking on the poll number, and then clicking the [ Fill out Poll ] link at the top of the page.

Please feel free to skip over any pairings you're not familiar with or have little interest in.

All polls will remain open until Friday, April 30th @ 11:59 PM EST. Let the pimpin' begin!

ETA: I'm finding a lot of errors now that I've posted. In my rush to get the polls up on time I either added letters or omitted them to some names. I will make the necessary corrections for future polls. Sorry!

Poll Survival of the Hottest 'Ship 2009-2010 (Part I)

To Poll #2
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