First post! If you've got any ideas on how to make this run nice and smooth, let me know in the contact post above. IP logging is off, and hopefully so is recaptcha. WHY WON'T IT DIE
-Make the thread for your canon (if it's not already there).
-Post the pairing you'd like to play out (again, if it hasn't already been made) and say which half
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...sorry my comment is worthless. I hope you do find someone though!
*is a Yuusei player*
I mainly play Yuusei and Jack from 5D's, and can probably do a passable Aki (before and after friendship sparkles), Kiryu (all three forms), Sherry, Misty (kinda), maaaaaybe Godwin, and a few season 1/2 minor characters, as well. Since I haven't touched the first series in years, I don't trust myself to try any of those characters, and GX is also beyond me at the moment.
I'm not looking to play anything specific at the moment, so if you have any ideas, feel free to hit me up here or via PM. Thanks for reading!
A GX ship. Pretty much any GX ship! Preferably one with Juudai, and it doesn't matter who plays him, either. But I wouldn't turn down a few others without him in them either.
I'll play any of the three major orientations (and probably more considering LOL YUBEL). I have a soft spot for my main OT3 (Juudai/Yubel/Johan in any combination, pretty much, or all three), but I'm also partial to Juudai with Asuka and Kaiser as well. Rei/Martin, Asuka/Manjoume/Fubuki (any combination except direct romantic incest, preferably), Edo/Kaiser, Johan/Kaiser, and Saiou/Edo would be cool, too. :D
I play Juudai mainly, but I can also manage Asuka, Yubel, Edo, Rei, and MAYBE Johan. I've never tried Kaiser, Saiou, Fubuki, or Manjoume, but I would be willing to try them if I had to.
Basically, throw a ship at me, it can't hurt to ask!
I'll ship Yugi with pretty much anybody ♥ But I have a soft spot for Puzzleshipping/Blindshipping/Mobiumshipping (which no one could see coming) and Wishshipping.
I'll even do weird pairings like YugixYugi (lolwat) or something. Crossovers are okay, but I'm not that familiar with GX or R, and I'd have to watch some more 5Ds.
Long building, one shot? Bring me a Terazuma and I'll do whatever you want. XD
It isn't and there's so much potential for awkwardness there! I played in Discedo for a while and had a Hajime there but they dropped before anything could honestly happen. We did have some cute moments though.
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