Title: Keep It In the Family. Fandom: Repo! The Genetic Opera. Pairing: Largocest. (Luigi/Pavi/Amber.) Author: Incylilspider Disclaimers: I don't own nuthin'. Notes: Swearing and incest and threesome, so if you don't like, run away. :D
Dude. I have this movie somewhere...but I never got around to watching it. I really want to find it now, because this manifesto has sparked my interest :)... and Largocest definitely sounds interesting<3
(hey btw, are there by any chance any good femslash pairings in Repo? :3)
For femmslash...Mag/Marni is the most popular but there's Mag/Shilo, Amber/Mag and Amber/Shilo...and I think there's Amber/GENterns as well. Lol. Seriously, every pairing that can be shipped is shipped in this fandom. Its insane. But awesome. ^^
Loved this manifesto. I'm a big fan of Repo! The Genetic Opera, and am absolutely fascinated by these three siblings. I haven't been involved much in the fandom, though when I was it was amazingly, wonderfully deranged. Of course the most disturbing fics surrounded the Largo children. Glad to see that's still true. What are some stories you would recommend?
Comments 7
(hey btw, are there by any chance any good femslash pairings in Repo? :3)
For femmslash...Mag/Marni is the most popular but there's Mag/Shilo, Amber/Mag and Amber/Shilo...and I think there's Amber/GENterns as well. Lol. Seriously, every pairing that can be shipped is shipped in this fandom. Its insane. But awesome. ^^
So basically, shipping wise it's one big free for all? I'll ship Repo!Orgy and go with the flow then~
Its not exactly shippy, but its cute and its dark and its awesome. I love the Pavigi. ^^
I kinda love http://clutch-hedonist.livejournal.com/2019.html
More Pavigi I know...i'm a sucker for slash.
Ambigi...well http://repofiction.livejournal.com/48521.html
it's perfect Ambigi, plain and simple. And Pamber...DAMMIT WHY ISN'T THERE ANY PAMBER? But this one makes me lol.
Hope that helps!
and funniest pic on DA, http://Kreepy-Girl.deviantart.com/art/Scrubba-dub-dub-115915430
they are PERFECT.
Repo! is just so awesome and Largocest is one of my favorite things about it :P
I don't have that many ships in Repo! just Largocest, Gramber, and Nathan/Blind Mag (which I don't even think has a name so YAY for random!ships) XD
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