Title: Naruto and Sasuke - destined to be together since the dawn of time (or at least the days of the Rikudou)
senior_witchFandom: Naruto
Pairing: Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke
Spoilers: The entire series up to chapter 480. (I wrote this before chapter 481 was released and decided not to rewrite it.)
Author's Note: This is the second manifesto for
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Comments 35
When the story ends, Sasuke's and Naruto's bond will be love and not “just friendship”.
I completely agree with that point. My take on it is that they are soulmates- they can only be whole when are they are together (not in the physical sense). Even though they will most probably end up being with someone else, they will most likely be each other's most important person.
Once again, great job!
Your manifesto is a wonderful essay! I love that you included Plato, that has been something I've been connecting to Naruto; it's also why I really ship the pair, even though we get plenty of material in favour (as evidenced by your picture material)! You've made me want to go and reread the manga from the start now, which I think I will.
I absolutely agree with the point you make about the two blood lines decending from one person, and that the two would have to reunite for the ninja world to have a chance. You've obviously put a lot of work into this essay and it has really paid off. Fantastic work!
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