Title: Gravity of Love Author: courtneynus Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Pairing: Riku/Sora Spoilers: All of Kingdom Heart II and Kingdom Hearts I, some of Kingdom Heart Chain of Memories
You know, I really like Riku/Sora, but Riku/Sora/Kairi is an OT3 for me. Maybe that makes me biased, but I feel like though this essay was well-written, you really downplayed how important Kairi is to both of them, and how important they are to her.
In fact, this whole essay has a lot where you seem to subtly demonize Kairi. Like this:
Whether her motives are in kindness of affection that she never shows to Riku or an undercurrent of terminating Sora’s journey, in resulting him coming back to her, remains unknown.
I don't like that you don't seem to even consider that maybe she wanted to help Riku and Sora find each other again. That maybe she might just want her best friends to be happy?
I don't know. It was well written, but I just can't say this essay sold me on the pairing because I don't agree with your character interpretations. The boys you're describing don't sound like the boys I saw in the game, and the Kairi definitely doesn't.
Comments 10
In fact, this whole essay has a lot where you seem to subtly demonize Kairi. Like this:
Whether her motives are in kindness of affection that she never shows to Riku or an undercurrent of terminating Sora’s journey, in resulting him coming back to her, remains unknown.
I don't like that you don't seem to even consider that maybe she wanted to help Riku and Sora find each other again. That maybe she might just want her best friends to be happy?
I don't know. It was well written, but I just can't say this essay sold me on the pairing because I don't agree with your character interpretations. The boys you're describing don't sound like the boys I saw in the game, and the Kairi definitely doesn't.
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