Title: Partners: Tsuzuki and Hisoka
Author: Brigdh
Spoilers: Not really.
Email: Brigdh@yahoo.com
Personal Website:
nextdooruniverse Hisoka: Wanna hear our fortune from this morning?
Tsuzuki: Tell me! Tell me!
Hisoka: Our compatibility is...
Tsuzuki: Yeah? Yeah?
Hisoka: Positively and absolutely... zero.
Tsuzuki: How mean.
Hisoka: But I don't
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Comments 98
I'm incapable of watching the anime without yelling at the screen, "Therapy! You NEED to be in therapy!"
Hee hee hee!
And see, you think I'm kidding about that. Because I would never actually lecture fictional characters on my TV about their need to see psychiatrists, nope, not me...
That describes me right now, but I'm sure I'll get there one day! Probably soon, too. Really enjoyed reading your essay
And if you're at all interested, I'd really recommened watching the Possession vid. It's an amazing vid, beautiful and angsty and a great introduction to the series. And besides, if you don't like it, how long does it take to watch a vid, anyways? I realize you can't download it unless you have an account at animemusicvids, but if you IM me I can send a copy to you. I'm on AIM as theBrigdh
And if you don't want to, no big. Just trying to pimp out my fandom. *grins*
I'll email you (haven't used IM in years and can't remember how!)
Email is fine, but I seem to have accidently deleted your email before I could respond to it. #^^# Because I really am that clumsy. If you could try again?
There's another great review here, but it has spoilers for the series.
*mocks you thoroughly*
wonderful introduction to tsuzuki/hisoka *otp squee*, rushed or not. you'd brought up things i'd barely thought about, particularly in terms of tsuzuki's characterisation. i connect better with hisoka, but now i think i must write tsuzuki. someday.
and thank you for reccing my fic.
Of course I recced it! It's so wonderfully characterized and poetic, and it's got those images in it that just last, even when the entire rest of the fic is forgotten. I am never going to get the dirty hotel room scene out of my head, I will have Alzheimer’s and still remember it. It's that perfect.
But thanks. I'm really glad you liked it, especially the Tsuzuki parts, since I just get Hisoka better, too. I didn't really understand him at all until I wrote him a few times, but I do love him.
I've been sort of hovering on the edges of this fandom for awhile, and recently read the giant comprehensive summary on crack_van wherein I decided that Tsuzuki/Hisoka was my OTP, without having seen any of the episodes. Which I'm sure says various unsavoury things about my addictive!fangirl personality.
Anywho, this was really great as a primer for why an actual fan loves the pairing [and it didn't have spoilers! Joy!] Although I suppose now I have to track the canon down. Oy.
Wonderful job! :)
Everyone keeps raving about this 'Possession' vid, but I can't watch it. Woe. Do you know if it's available anywhere else?
But thank you for your comments. I'm glad you liked it. ^^
Alas, no. That is the only place. However, if you'd like me to, I'd be more than happy to send you the vid over yousendit.com. I just need an email address.
I admit, that's a pretty devious plan. Although, can I request a stay against poking until I've seen/read some of the canon? :D
It was very good. The thing I love about this comm is getting to see other peoples' love for their OTPs really shine through, and that's a big part of what I enjoyed here.
REALLY?! I shouldn't be bouncing up and down with glee but oh -- I am. Thank you so much, I really really appreciate it. lessien[at]gmail dot com. Thanks again!
Weeeeeell... okay. I guess. If I have to wait, I will somehow manage. *uber-dramatic sigh* ;)
It was very good. The thing I love about this comm is getting to see other peoples' love for their OTPs really shine through, and that's a big part of what I enjoyed here.
Awww, thank you. #^^# I'm so glad you liked it; writing it made me really nervous. I was worried that having an anime fandom after all the cool TV/movie ones would seem silly, or that I wouldn't be able to do a good job. So I'm so happy it worked for you!
And sent! Let me know if there's anything wrong with it, or if you want any other videos. I am always happy to pimp.
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