The Art of Love (Suki/Sokka: Avatar:The Last Airbender)

Jun 15, 2007 13:12

Subject Line: Avatar the Last Air Bender-Suki/Sokka
Title: Kiss and Makeup- The Sokka/Suki Manifesto
Author: Robot Mule
Spoilers: Some Season Two Stuff.

Kiss and Makeup

The Sokka/Suki Manifesto

Sokka/Suki is a largely misunderstood ship. Most people only ship it because Princess Yue is dead, or because they feel there is no feasible alternative (we’re looking at you Ty Lee). I suspect it’s because Suki’s appearance was so early in the first season. Most of the fans, me included, came to the show at the season finale and as such feel in love with the soft and tragic Princess Yue to whom Suki in our eyes could not compare. Sort of the same reason no one ships Katara/Haru.

But Sokka and Suki are a great couple, two people who can grow and connect with each other. Two people on two different journeys…but together through it all.

What's Going On?
In a Lost Age...
Power is balanced among four great Nations: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. An order made up of men and women lead each Nation. These Masters possess the ability to manipulate their native element. They call themselves Waterbenders, Earthbenders, Firebenders, and Airbenders. The most powerful Bender in the world is the Avatar, the spirit of the planet incarnate. He alone masters all four of the elements and maintains world order.

Until Avatar Roku died. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sozin, the Fire Nation's leader launches a global war. His goal- eliminate the Earth, Water, and Air Nations so that the Fire Nation may rule for eternity.

100 Years later, The Avatar Returns...

With the Fire Nation on the brink of global domination, a young girl (Katara) and her brother (Sokka) living on the South Pole make an amazing discovery: Enclosed within an iceberg for 100 years, a 12-year old Airbender has miraculously survived. Waking up hungry for food and adventure, the boy (Aang) reveals himself as the Avatar. But will this irresponsible kid accept his destiny in time to save the world?

The Meat and Sarcasm Guy

“I’m not the boss-I’m the leader.”

Sokka is a slighty sexist warrior from the Southern Water Tribe. Easy going or spastic, brainy or clumpsy, leader and follower, Sokka has done it all. When he was eleven his Father and the rest of the men went off to war, leaving poor Sokka alone to defend his home, his sister, and his way of life with only a boomerang and enough ice to freeze a penguin. Eager to be the warrior he knows his tribe need, he took it upon himself to build fortifications and train the younger children to defend the village from attack. When his sister Katara decides to travel with the Avatar: Sokka goes as well; in the hopes of kicking Firebender butt.

The Warrior of the Fan

“I am a warrior, but I’m a girl too.”

Suki is the feminist leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, an ‘elite’ group of female fighters. Little is known about her background, except that she has lived on the Island her whole life and until recently never felt a reason to leave. She takes pride both in her skill and her place as protector within her community. Strong and with a sense of humor Suki is a great warrior and a very interesting character.

First Kiss, First Kicking

Sokka and Suki first meet in the fourth episode of season one. Sokka does not make a good first impression:

“Wait a second, there's no way that a bunch of girls took us down.”

But then Suki gives him no reason to considering she captured him and tied him to a pole:

“A bunch of girls, huh? The unagi's gonna eat well tonight.”

Please understand that until now the only strong girl Sokka has seen is his Water bending sister. And she does Mother the group quite a lot, Katara is a quiet rebellion for the first half of the season.
Suki is very defensive of her gender. It’s strange how a girl from a village known for its female fighters would be so instinctively infuriated by a brash stranger. It seems, to this watcher at least, she’s almost angry about her gender. And Sokka is whacking a sore spot with a boomerang. But it’s his sore spot too. This has never happened before for Sokka, being beaten by a girl. Firebenders, small children, and flying lemurs: yes. But not truly has he been beaten by girls. He doesn’t know what to make of it.

Sokka of course, holds on to his sexism for dear life.

Katara: He's just upset because a bunch of girls kicked his butt yesterday.
Sokka: They snuck up on me!
Katara: Right. And then they kicked your butt.
Sokka:  Sneak attacks don't count! (pacing around the room, gesticulating wildly to the air) Tie me up with ropes! I'll show them a thing or two. I'm not scared of any girls. Who do they think they are anyway?

Later on Suki attempts to apologies.

“Sorry about yesterday. I didn't know that you were friends with the Avatar.”

Note she doesn’t apologies for what she did, but whose friend she did it to. Neither Suki nor Sokka will bend their principles or stop doing what they feel is necessary, but Suki is willing to own up to it and say her sorry when she feels the situation calls for it. A slight act that makes an impression on Sokka later in the story. But we’ll get to that later. As of right now Sokka just makes it worse:

“It's all right. I mean, normally I'd hold a grudge, but seeing as you guys are a bunch of girls, I'll make an exception.”

Oh first season Sokka, any other some what intelligent boy would take that as a cue to stop talking.

“I should hope so. A big strong man like you? We wouldn't stand a chance.”

Oh gosh, Sokka. Stop talking stop talking-

“True. But don't feel bad. After all, I'm the best warrior in my village.”

Wow! Best warrior, huh? In your whole village? Maybe you'd be kind enough to give us a little demonstration.

It figures Sokka would fall for the sarcastic girl, it just figures. This is a girl that gives as well as she gets.

“Oh... well... I mean... I...”

“Come on, girls! Wouldn't you like him to show us some moves?”

We all know what happens next. Sokka gets his butt handed to him for the second time. And Suki lets him know what she thinks of sexist boys.

“Anything else you want to teach us?”

Sokka is rejected, publicly humilliatedit’s more then he can bear. But instead of sulking about it he learns. That is where this ship draws the most strength, the ability to learn from each other.
Sokka is willing to follow her example; and for the first time apologies.

Sokka: (hesitantly) Uh... hey, Suki.
Suki: (mockingly) Hoping for another dance lesson?
Sokka: No... I... well, let me explain.
Suki: Spit it out! What do you want?
Sokka: (kneeling in humility) I would be honored if you would teach me.
Suki: Even if I'm a girl?
Sokka: (quietly) I'm sorry if I insulted you earlier. I was wrong.
Suki: We normally don't teach outsiders, let alone boys.

It’s this line in particular I want to focus on. Kyoshi Warriors don’t teach boys yet Kyoshi Warriors are the only warriors on this island. As such Suki must have gone her whole life thinking boys couldn’t be warriors. Sokka is teaching her as well, not only that not all men are scum…but many men can be warriors. Once again they learn from each other.

Sokka: Please make an exception. I won't let you down.
Suki: All right. But you have to follow all of our traditions.
Sokka: (quickly) Of course!
Suki: And I mean ALL of them.

In another step towards equality Sokka has to wear the warrior uniform…a dress.

Sokka: Do I really have to wear this? It feels a little... girly.
Suki: It's a warrior's uniform. You should be proud. The silk threads symbolizes the brave blood that flows through our veins. The gold insignia represents the honor of the warrior's heart.
Sokka: Bravery and honor.
Aang: Hey Sokka! Nice dress!

The scene ends with Sokka and Suki standing in front of the doorway. Sokka's momentary pride is visibly crushed by Aang's barb. Rome was not bult in a day. Suki is smiling at him and enjoying his discomfort.

Sokka and Suki continue training, Sokka learning very fast.
Before they know it he manages to knock Suki down. In that moment they are finally equals in each others eyes.

“I fell on purpose to make you feel better!”
”I got you! Admit I got you!”
”Okay, it was a lucky shot. Let's see if you can do it again.”

Alas this interaction is cut short, but both characters have changed.

Oyagi: Firebenders have landed on our shores! Girls, come quickly!
Sokka: Hey, I'm not a... oh, whatever!

This moment finally ends with strength…and a kiss.

Suki: There's no time to say goodbye.
Sokka: What about, "I'm sorry"?
Suki: For what?
Sokka: I treated you like a girl when I should have treated you like a warrior.
Suki: (leaning towards Sokka) I am a warrior. (She kisses him on the cheek.) But I'm a girl, too. (Sokka touches his hand to his cheek, his eyes wide with surprise, and blushes.) Now get out of here! We'll hold them off.

Here ends Sokka’s first kiss, his first chance to grow, and his first friendship with a true warrior.

Here ends Suki’s first battling opponent, her first chance to grow, and her first friendship with an outsider.

For the rest of the journey Sokka doesn’t make sexist comments towards girls.

Suki goes off to help in the war.

They don’t see each other for a long long time.

Death be not Whatever

“I’ll always be with you Sokka”

So much happens before Sokka and Suki meet again. Toph has joined the group, Jet has betrayed the group, and…there’s Yue. Sokka fell in love with a lovely girl named Princess Yue who scarifies herself to save her home and people. It leaves Sokka heart broken and disilluisioned. Why couldn’t he protect her? He’s wracked with guilt; even seeing her in The Swamp.

And though it's waterbenders who are known for their healing, it's time for Suki to come and patch this wound.

I Know Who You Were

Appa is missing. We hope to find him in Ba Sing Se.

On their way to Ba Sing Se, Suki and Sokka meet again. For a moment time fades away and they’re messing with each other the way they used to.

Suki: (firmly) Tickets and passports please. (holds out hand)
Sokka: (intimidated) Is there a problem?
Suki: (menacingly) Yeah, I've got a problem with you. (pokes finger at his chest) I've seen your type before, probably sarcastic, think your hilarious, and let me guess, you're traveling with the Avatar. Sokka: (eyes narrowing) Do I know you?
Suki: You mean you don't remember? (yanks him close by his collar) Maybe you remember this.
(She places a kiss on his cheek.)
Sokka: Suki!!
Suki: (delighted) Sokka, it's good to see you!

Suki, is now a security guard helping refugees. But she’s still a lot like the Suki we knew from before. Yet there’s something more mature about her. Something calmer and less angry. She’s truly happy.

Suki: And look at you sleeveless guy. Been working out? (looks at Sokka approvingly)
Sokka: I'll grab a tree branch and do a few chin touches every now and then, nothing major. (stretches and flexes casually, pats his bicep)

The gang themselves end up helping a group of refugees through the dangerous serpents pass. Suki, being Suki, tags along.

Suki: I'm coming too. (she rushes to catch up to group, clad in her Kyoshi's warrior garb and makeup)
Sokka: (cautiously)Are you sure that's a good idea?

The last girl that cared about him the way Suki does died. And now where Suki stands Sokka can see another Yue.

Suki: (surprised) Sokka, I thought you'd want me to come?
Sokka: I do, it's just…
Suki: (growing annoyed) Just what?
Sokka: Nothing. I'm glad you're coming. (Suki walks past him angrily, Sokka looks down and then follows)

For the rest of the trip Sokka worries over her, thinking it’s his duty to protect her. What if something bad happens to her?

“Suki, are you ok? You have to be more careful! C'mon!”

After awhile Suki starts to catch on to his plan. Instead of waiting around doing nothing she gets right in his face about it. That’s another good thing about their relationship; Suki lets him know what’s bothering her.

Sokka: Suki, you shouldn't sleep there. (walks up and takes bedroll) Who knows how stable this ledge is? It could give way at any moment.
Suki: (calls after him) Sokka, I'm fine. Stop worrying!
Sokka: (laying bedroll near his) You're right, you're right. You're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself.Wait! (abruptly leaps between her and bedroll) Oh, never mind. I thought I saw a spider, but you're fine. (pats Suki's shoulder reassuringly, while she looks mortified)

Poor Suki has no clue what’s going on. But she continues to reach out to him no matter what.

Suki: (softly) It's a beautiful moon.
Sokka: Yeah, it really is.
Suki: (sitting close) Look, I know you're just trying to help, but I can take care of myself. Sokka: I know you can.
Suki: Then why are you acting so over protective?
Sokka: It's so hard to lose someone you care about. (looks away) Something happened at the North Pole, and I couldn't protect someone. I don't want anything like that to ever happen again.

Sokka hasn’t talked about Yue to the others in the group very much at all. But as soon as Suki asks he’s willing to explain. And Suki knows how to make him feel better, in her own way.

Suki: (thoughtfully) I lost someone I cared about. He didn't die, he just went away. I only had a few days to get to know him, but he was smart, and brave, and funny. (Sokka begins to look worried)
Sokka: (indignantly) Who is this guy? Is he taller than me? (rises to his feet)
Suki: (coyly) No, he's about your height.
Sokka: Is he better looking?
Suki: It is you stupid!
Sokka: Oh (looks to her wistfully)

(They draw close to kiss, eyes closed, the bright moon hanging between them. Just before their lips meet, Sokka looks away with a pained expression. Because that's Yue overhead.)

Sokka: I can't.
Suki: I'm sorry.
Sokka: (turning away) No, you shouldn't be.

To there credit they continue to work well despite this. These are two people who would make good friends as well as boyfriend and girl friend. Serious and silly, they fit well together.

Sokka: Suki, you know about giant sea monsters. Make it go away!
Suki: (angrily) Just because I live near the Unagi doesn't mean I'm an expert!
Sokka: (beseechingly holds up Momo) Oh great and powerful sea serpent, please accept this humble and tasty offering. Thank you.

They continue on…but Sokka won’t stop looking at her. This girl who procides to jump into freezing cold water to safe his friend, helps deliver a baby, and survives a deadly pass. This is not a girl in need of protection.

Suki: Sokka, It's been really great to see you again.
Sokka: (standing) Whoa, hold on. Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?
Suki: I came along because I wanted to make sure you got through the Serpent's Pass safely. But now I need to get back to the other Kyoshi warriors.
Sokka: (stunned) So you came along to protect me?

And that right there is why I love this pairing. Two people trying to do what’s best for one another. Two people caring for each other the best they can.

Suki: (blushing) Listen, I'm really sorry about last night. We were talking, and saying things, I just got carried away and before I knew it I

Sokka: (gazing into her eyes) You talk too much.

So there they go…off on their own journeys again. But once again changed by each other. For the rest of the season Sokka isn’t haunted by the past. And Suki is more self sufficient and capable then ever. (Even If she does get beaten by Fire Nation girls)

Why do I love you?

This is not a ship about fluff, or looks, or age. This is a ship about people. Two people who love each other and respect each other despite challenges. They work well as friends and as fighters. They can leave each other to adventure without becoming empty and worthless or needy; they are still complete people without each other. But together they can be even better. Suki and Sokka fit together, and they know this thing they have can survive. A very mature relationship for two growing teenagers to have.

The gift that keeps on giving

rawles - has wonderful Fidelity, a look into all of Sokka's romances.
Kimbalynn616 - short but sweet Always On My Mind
Tell more and I'll put it there!

Thanks to for screenshots and transcripts!

#anime/animation, avatar: the last airbender

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