Apr 15, 2011 00:29

You're doing whatever the hell it is you do, when all of a sudden a colored ring flies out of the sky and... seems to know your name. Woah. It offers you great power of some sort.

Here's the thing, though. You've been chosen. You can't say no.




Pick one of the colors below based on your character's personality (ie, characters with temper problems get Red, greedy characters get Orange, etc)


Roll 1-9 on the randomizer and go with whatever one you get.

Your character now has a POWER RING of the appropriate color and the POWERS that go along with it... along with any of the NASTIER SIDE EFFECTS.


All lanterns gain the ability to fly, to project a minor force field over their skin that lets them survive the vaccum of space and protects them from blows, to shoot energy lasers/energy blasts, to generate solid light constructs based on anything they can imagine, and a totally sweet costume.

۩ RED ۩
You have great RAGE within your heart

With blood and rage of crimson red,
Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,
Together with our hellish hate,
We'll burn you all--That is your fate!

YOU ARE ANGRY. HOLY SHIT, YOU ARE SO ANGRY. Rage consumes you, fills you. Someone has WRONGED YOU, and you are thus possessed with the insatiable urge to wreak vengeance on whoever wrought the wronging... and anyone else. EVERYONE else.
You vomit out all of your blood, which is replaced by searing-hot red light. If your heart is removed, your ring will keep you alive. You are an UNSTOPPABLE KILLING MACHINE.
You have the ability to VOMIT YOUR OWN BLOOD - which is now basically LAVA. Yes. You can vomit lava. If you are particularly strong-willed, you can create chaotic constructs fueled by your fury, but you're probably not sane enough to think about that. Fortunately, you DO NOT KNOW PAIN, you DO NOT KNOW FEAR, you can take RETARDED AMOUNTS OF DAMAGE and you can VOMIT LAVA OKAY. The RAGE OF OTHERS only FUELS YOUR POWER - each person you inspire to anger only makes you STRONGER.

Blue Lanterns can temporarily restore your sanity. If a Violet Lantern fills you with the light of TRUE LOVE, the ring's hold over you will break... but then you'll die from blood loss (whoops!) unless a Blue Lantern shows up to fix that little problem.

You WANT and you WANT and you WANT


YOU ARE GREEDY. YOU WANT EVERYTHING. All of the things. They'll be yours. Your precioussss. You want all of them! Technically there's only supposed to be one of you, but somebody fucked up the bookkeeping. You are consumed by greed and a need to own everything. Your fellow lanterns? You want their stuff, too. Their rings, especially. Gotta catch 'em all.

You can wield and shape energy constructs like any other lantern, but you have a special limitation. You can duplicate the powers (excluding lantern powers), abilities, and appearance of ANY being who you kill utilizing your constructs. In effect, you STEAL THEIR ESSENCE. They become yours, now and forever. You can, hypothetically, summon an ARMY of these bastards. Finally, you can simply ABSORB Green constructs - they have no effect on you whatsoever. On the other hand, you can't do the same to BLUE or INDIGO constructs.


You have the ability to instill great FEAR

In blackest day, in brightest night,
Beware your fears made into light
Let those who try to stop what's right,
Burn like his power... Sinestro's might!

You love to CAUSE FEAR in others. You always have. You were chosen because of this, and the ring doesn't change that. It just enables you. You live to see the terror in your victim's eyes, to watch them tremble before your might.

Your ring powers are identical to GREEN LANTERN rings, save that you probably have a penchant for making your constructs COMPLETELY FUCKING TERRIFYING. Furthermore, if a Green Lantern allows too much fear into their heart, you can wipe out their constructs. BLUE LANTERNS can drain your power.


You have the capacity for great WILL

In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power...
Green Lantern's Light!

You are one STRONG WILLED motherfucker. You always have been, in whatever capacity. You never give up. You never surrender. You believe in whatever it is you believe fully and completely. The ring just verifies and empowers that.

You have no super special abilities, unlike the other lanterns (save Yellow) but your ability to make CONSTRUCTS is unmatched. You can literally create ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE. For some of you that means... well, just LASERS AND SHIT, but for others it means elegant and intricate creations. Granted, the MORE COMPLEX or MORE POWERFUL the thing you are creating is, the more power and will it takes. Kyle Rayner once said he could split an atom, if he tried hard enough... but that's not the kind of thing you just DO ON A WHIM.

YELLOW constructs can slice through your defenses if you don't KEEP YOUR WILL STRONG. But other than that, you're pretty good.

۝ BLUE ۝

You have the power to inspire HOPE

In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite,
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars-- For hope burns bright!

You are HOPEFUL. It is impossible to get you down - you know, no matter what, there is always HOPE. You are a beacon, inspiring to others around you.

Your power requires the presence of others. Alone, you are only capable of flight and the protective aura. Near a GREEN LANTERN, though, you can draw on their great WILL to come into INCREDIBLE POWER, gaining the ability to USE CONSTRUCTS as well as OTHER ABILITIES. You POWER UP Green Lantern rings, raising them to up to 200% of their normal power. You can HEAL WOUNDS and REPAIR OBJECTS, and the more HOPEFUL people are around you, the more POWERFUL YOUR HEALING BECOMES - two Blue Lanterns managed to SAVE A DYING SUN because of the sheer power of the HOPE of the people on the planet of that sun. You can temporarily RESTORE SANITY to Red Lanterns, temporarily HALT THE ALL-CONSUMING GREED of Orange Lanterns, and DRAIN THE POWER of Yellow Lanterns.

But again, your power only works if a GREEN LANTERN is near to help you... better go find one!


You are capable of great COMPASSION

Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,
Natromo faan wot ur.
Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur,
Taan lek lek nok--Formorrow Sur!

You are COMPASSIONATE - in fact, thanks to your new RING, that's ALL YOU CAN FEEL ANYMORE. Let's be clear on this - COMPASSION doesn't just mean you WANT TO HELP EVERYBODY - in this specific case, it means you have EXTREME EMPATHY and you understand the motivations of others on an instinctive level, but you're also CAPABLE OF MAINTAINING ENOUGH DISTANCE that you aren't affected by those emotions. You are calm and detached, yet eternally cognizant of what everyone around you feels and why they are feeling it.

You get to carry around a REALLY COOL STICK in addition to your RING. You use your STICK and RING to CREATE YOUR CONSTRUCTS, but also to CHANNEL THE POWERS OF OTHERS. Red Lantern nearby? You CHANNEL THEIR RAGE. Green? CHANNEL THEIR WILL. That's what you're about - feeling the emotions of others, but not getting consumed by those emotions.

In addition, you can see when others have great compassion within them; and force those who have no compassion to feel it. You can heal the wounds of those who have great compassion (though not as well as Blue Lanterns); and can conversely force people to feel the pain they've inflicted on other people. Finally, in emergencies you can teleport yourself across THE ENTIRE FUCKING GALAXY, but you don't do this often as it TAKES A LOT OF POWER.


You have experienced great LOVE
For hearts long lost and full of fright,
For those alone in blackest night,
Accept our ring and join our fight,
Love conquers all-- with violet light!

You've felt great LOVE, and the power ring you've gotten from it has made you SLIGHTLY LOOPY and put you in a SKANKY OUTFIT. Love conquers all! Love must be spread to all! For the most part, you are on the good guy's side, but sometimes your overpowering LOVE can turn you into a creepy stalker or one of those weird LOVE FREAKS. Or take control of you completely. Still! For the most part, you are one of the good guys.

In addition to the usual ability to CREATE CONSTRUCTS, you can IMPRISON PEOPLE IN CRYSTALS which will SLOWLY CONVERT THEM to your cult into fellow VIOLET LANTERNS, overriding any and all of their previous emotions and filling them with LOVE instead. Some can resist this process, but most don't. You can tell when someone who is in love or loved is in jeapordy, locate that person, then create a connection from the loved to the lover to protect them. You can show others their TRUE LOVE. You can TELEPORT to escape attackers, and when your CONSTRUCTS are destroyed they release a disorienting dust. Finally, you can RAISE THE DEAD by drawing power from someone who LOVES THE DEAD PERSON.

Unfortunately, as said earlier, the sheer power of LOVE can make you a bit LOOPY AND OBSESSIVE at times...

... R I S E ...

The Blackest Night falls from the skies,
The darkness grows as all light dies,
We crave your hearts and your demise,
By my black hand--The dead shall rise!

Once upon a time, you died. It happens. Then a BLACK RING flew onto your finger and ANIMATED YOUR CORPSE. You are now a ZOMBIE that emulates all the memories of your previous life, and is possessed of an insatiable hunger for HEARTS full of EMOTION. Unlike the other rings whose power comes from the LIGHT OF EMOTION, your power comes from its ABSENCE.

You have any powers you had in life, and gain new ones. You REGENERAGE at a ridiculous rate, and in fact cannot be killed save by COMBINING GREEN POWERS WITH ONE OTHER COLOR or by using PURE WHITE power. You use psychological warfare on the people you used to know, twisting them against themselves in an effort to get them to feel powerful emotions. You can only see by SEEING THE COLORS OF EMOTIONS PEOPLE FEEL. Emotionless individuals are invisible to you; and crazy people show up as the wrong colors.

Once you get someone to FEEL ENOUGH EMOTION, you RIP THEIR HEART out and EAT IT. They then RISE as a Black Lantern themselves. Even if you can't NOM THEIR HEARTS, your bite still infects people with a disease that turns them into a Black Lantern.



... l i v e ...



But this power is not without consequence. The WHITE LIGHT has an agenda of its own. As it restores people to life, it will insist that the WHITE LANTERNS force these people to LIVE THEIR LIVES AS THEY SEE FIT - generally in ways that should make them BETTER, STRONGER PEOPLE. If they refuse, the WHITE RING will REVOKE the life it has given.
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