Sep 26, 2010 15:41


achievement: unlocked, knitting, life, update

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Comments 7

kasiopeia September 26 2010, 20:27:31 UTC
Your shop site looks really good :D I should get me something like that (instead of collecting all my yarn in a box and make things I never use). If I get the time :P

Also: First comment here! I love new friends ^^


shinydinosaur September 26 2010, 20:29:56 UTC
Yay! <3333

Oh man, I procrastinated so hard on this it wasn't even funny. And then I finally did it and man it feels good. All but the massive scarf, I made that either really early this year or last year and it was just sitting in my sock drawer the whole time and it's either not my color scheme for my clothes or I'm not fond of the size or whatever, but they're perfectly useable.

Yay! I love new friends too! Seems I'm making a lot lately. <33333


kasiopeia September 26 2010, 20:35:49 UTC
I'm a master at procrastinating, I wait forever and then I feel really great if I've only changed a light bulb :P

I love the neckwarmer, I need to make myself one of those. I have so many scarfs, but none of them fit (or look good) to my winter coat. And it's getting cold here, I need something!

It's the land communities fault methinks. I like it!


shinydinosaur September 26 2010, 20:38:01 UTC
LOL. Which neckwarmer? I'm assuming you mean the mint one, I made a bunch of various colored ones for Christmas gifts last year.

That's why I love neckwarmers sometimes over scarves, they fit coats well.

Bahaha, yeah, I blame the land comms. And I've met a lot of friends through other friends here too. Which is awesome.


lias9 September 26 2010, 21:50:47 UTC
Oh, the site is so pretty. And I really am glad to see you went with your instinct in pricing the pink one - it's gorgeous, and should be priced accordingly - very nicely done.

They all look so shiny on the site, too. :)


shinydinosaur September 26 2010, 21:54:15 UTC
Thanks! :D
They do look shiny.

I haven't done competitive pricing in a long time, so I figure when I check out other scarves similar to the pink one, if their prices are lower and it looks the same, than I'll lower mine to like $25 or something. I don't mind it.

But yeah, I'm just pimping the site to at least the point where people know it exists. xD


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