Mafia, knitting, and general what-have-you.

Sep 08, 2010 15:38

So first off, Mafia. I'm gonna make an awesome post when it's *officially* over, dedicated to the best round yet of Whedonland mafia, with some of the weirdest stuff I've ever seen - or instigated. But I felt like I had to share my awesome gorgeous banner that sucksucksmile made for me and our teammates. Click to see the rest, they're adorbs.

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mafia, knitting, idea, life, update, thoughts

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Comments 2

lias9 September 8 2010, 20:18:16 UTC
I have to read this; I just have to run for dinner-prep.
I just wanted to say, those banners - SQUEE. I hadn't intended to be cuddlekins, I swear.
It just sort of... happened.
And 1 month! Wow. This is that wonderful exciting time of relationships where you learn new stuff. Enjoy it, it's great.
*Hugs* Will read. Too intrigued not to.


shinydinosaur September 8 2010, 20:38:33 UTC
You are so cuddlekins. <3

IKR? One month just flew by.

*hugs* Yaaay. I'm especially wondering what you think of it. :)


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