Current things I am obsessing over (and one thing I am not)

Sep 28, 2011 22:01

Because I finally have a moment to breathe, although I've been feeling sore and crappy the last three days and now I feel like I can't sit up without losing my dinner. I also use "obsess" loosely, as in many cases it's just simply some kind of intense focus, whether temporary or not.

Also because I'm distracting myself over the fact that I still ( Read more... )

friends, these are a few of my favorite things, musicals, lists are my friends, music, television, life, theatre

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Comments 14

ever_neutral September 29 2011, 02:07:37 UTC
Congrats on the karate midterm! You are a boss. :)


shinydinosaur September 29 2011, 02:19:43 UTC
Thank you! I practiced rather a lot, and they honestly aren't hard when you think about it.. a 14-step and 16-ish step one, if you're being technical about how many movements you're making, and even then it's really 7 and 8, repeated on both sides of your body.

Plus it's a class that demonstrates practical self-defense through natural body movements, which is good to learn.


sweetone41185 September 29 2011, 02:20:00 UTC
Glee- what you said. I just can't deal with anything else without rolling my eyes or getting angry.

Also LOL at that conversation. That is too funny.


shinydinosaur September 29 2011, 02:24:27 UTC
Glee.. yeah. The storylines are ridiculous and everything is overplayed and soap opera and I stopped caring a long time ago. It's now a train wreck that I can't look away from, with occasionally cool music or choreography or guest stars.


sweetone41185 September 29 2011, 02:26:02 UTC
Yepppp pretty much. It had a lot of awesome potential going on in S1 and it just kind of all went to hell and nothing has lived up to the awesome of the pilot.


shinydinosaur September 29 2011, 02:28:20 UTC


sourpony September 29 2011, 02:48:24 UTC
Oh my gosh I just watched this movie with Alan in it and couldn't stop thinking about you <3


shinydinosaur September 29 2011, 02:50:41 UTC
Alan... Tudyk?!



sourpony September 29 2011, 02:52:35 UTC
Who do you think I'd be talking about?! Haha, Tucker & Dale vs Evil, it was so flipping funny.

Oh and I found this rp comm that I was thinking about app'ng as Zoe at but then I was like I can't without my Wash! Plus you had mentioned creating one way back when so I've been trying to think up another character to maybe app as.


shinydinosaur September 29 2011, 03:01:30 UTC
idek alan cumming but who cares, tudyk is the best

WHAAAAT. I have been dying for that movie to come out for like a year and a half! Plus stalking its release status for over a year. HOW DID YOU SEE IT OMG.

Awwwww. I miss my Zoe! It's so sweet that you thought that. If I wasn't so busy with work and school I would be RPing way more.
I've given ohgodcrocodiles (Lucie Miller) a Twitter and I was wondering, it wouldn't be hard to give Wash one and then just tweet from my phone during the day as him between classes and while I'm at work, that could be a short RP option.


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