
May 25, 2011 23:14

Fandom news: I am rockin' a lot of these whedonland challenges (or at least, a lot more than I normally can do). Almost done with a fanmix and 40/100 Whedon villain-themed icons for the WL Big Bang, due Monday. Aaaand this is what I do in my downtime at home you guys.

RL: Hung out with a good friend this afternoon, we watched some of Into The Woods and ( Read more... )

games 'n stuff, challenge, life, whedonland

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Comments 4

sweetone41185 May 26 2011, 03:25:45 UTC
Go you rocking that big bang! :D

Good luck on the interview! Job hunting is the worst. I really need to kick it into high gear after finals and all that wrap up. Being unemployed is horrid. So I hope you find something super soon!

Awww I'm sorry about the break up *hugs* I must have missed that. I fail. Glad you're doing fairly well though. Totally feel you on living at home. I hate it so much. Luckily my parents don't give me a hard time or anything but it doesn't make it any less frustrating.


shinydinosaur May 26 2011, 15:00:12 UTC
Woo, thanks! I hope so too. Until then, just fighting my internet to stay connected so I can do more apps and then take breaks and play games. :D

*hugs* I mentioned it ever-so-briefly in one of my last few entries and followed it up with STEPHEN FRY HOBBIT OMG and people were like OMG!!1! and totally missed the sad news apparently. *is sneaky ninja-like*

Yeah, it's not fun. My whole family gives me a hard time when they get frustrated, but community college is cheaper, but no dorms, and I have no job to rent a room somewhere, so yeah. *pain*


sweetone41185 May 26 2011, 15:05:17 UTC
Very rude of your internet. Hopefully it behaves for you. :D *shakes finger at it*

Haha. Sneaky ninjalike is awesome.

Yeah it really is. I also have no desire to live in a dorm at this point in my life anyway though. Yeaaah. Gotta have money to get out. Money is annoying that way.


vervet_monkey May 26 2011, 16:45:39 UTC
Good luck with the interview and glad you had a good day :)


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