Music meme thingy (because I'm tired and bored and this is preferable to sleep).

May 03, 2010 07:55

So hi there. I have lots of new shiny Doctor Who icons that I should really upload but I'm too lazy/busy/tired at the moment.

Also on my to-do-on-LJ list: discuss certain things I notice in Doctor Who, find out about the most convenient method to burn VOBs, and be more active in general.

So here's a meme to distract you. )

meme, music

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Comments 7

studyofrunning May 3 2010, 13:05:01 UTC
I don't really conclude anything except that you probably like musicals. And have a high tolerance for Murray Gold.

The Poet and the Pendulum is alternately the best thing ever, and unintentionally funny. Mostly the first. I think I like it for being so over-the-top.


shinydinosaur May 3 2010, 13:09:32 UTC
Lawl. I started liking Murray Gold because some of the music just by itself is either gorgeous or heartbreaking and also soothing for sleeping.
And I pick up on stuff like the leit motifs of the characters, and then hearing them blended together (sometimes it's more subtle than others), or whatever.
And yeah, I like musicals. :D

Funny? Funny how? D:
I've read the Edgar Allan Poe story it's inspired by and it's more like HIGH OCTANE NIGHTMARE FUEL OMFG NO GETITAWAYFROMME.. and I'd love to hear your take on it. XD


studyofrunning May 3 2010, 13:23:53 UTC
I suppose, to be fair, I probably would like Murray Gold's stuff better if I listened to it as songs, instead of just hearing it on Doctor Who.

The Poet and The Pendulum... idk, just over-the-top-ness. You know that thing Steven Moffat does where he keeps throwing in references to all his previous episodes, and we're all like "yes, we get it. You're Steven Moffat. Good for you." It's a little like that. Like they decided to be more Nightwish than Nightwish AND IN CAPSLOCK, possibly to prove they were still them without Tarja. It's a great song. I've listened to it a lot. There are just times when I'm like...and you're doing that without being ironic at all? Really?


ever_neutral May 3 2010, 13:26:41 UTC
You're a Doctor Who and Dollhouse fan. Noooooo.

Also - Whisper is by far the superior Evanescence track.


shinydinosaur May 3 2010, 13:34:55 UTC
Hey there now whats that supposed to mean. XD

And I have to agree but only to the point of saying that that entire ALBUM is by far superior to anything past or present (or future) that they've ever done.


ever_neutral May 4 2010, 00:41:05 UTC
Oh IDK, I'm a fan of The Open Door. But your opinion seems to be the general one.


shinydinosaur May 4 2010, 00:56:20 UTC
I'm a fan of TOD too, I mean, I own it as well. It's just not as good. I'd have to blame that on the lack of one of their best writers. :/


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