Doctor Who-related pic/link-spam

Mar 22, 2011 00:26

If you're on my f-list and you're not a Doctor Who/Fifth Doctor/Peter Davison fan, feel free to jump over this, but it's full of links and fun things. :D ( Read more... )

picspam, geeky, knitting, i have the best friends ever, doctor who

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Comments 4

harbek March 22 2011, 18:32:14 UTC
I should rename my LJ listed name thing to "Certain Unnamed Friend". It would be hilar.

Also. THIS POST = MADE OF WIN. Even if I've seen most of it before. XDD


shinydinosaur March 22 2011, 19:26:16 UTC
LJ listed name thing?
I should totally give you your own tag as Certain Unnamed Friend, btw. XDD

And why yes, yes it is. Completely. Like your icon is. And mine too. :D

My mind is still reeling from that poster, seeing Ainley in it. And.. lots of other things I saw.


Katie here! chibichimera March 22 2011, 23:06:28 UTC
Screw anon-ing! I just remembered that I had an, as of yet, totally unused lj account! So here I am!

I love to watch him eat that celery, he is so obviously pained. Why must make him re-live this over and over again? Awesome post! I feel special for being bugged about this!


Re: Katie here! shinydinosaur March 22 2011, 23:10:51 UTC
Woooo! :D

I will now entice you to visit brb_gallifrey, where it's ALL AWESOME ALL THE TIME.

Be ye warned, the being of the internets known as the eljay sucks people in and doesn't willingly let go. XDD


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