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Comments 7

juliet316 February 2 2010, 21:16:14 UTC
Snagged a lot of these. Will credit if used.


shinydinosaur February 2 2010, 21:28:33 UTC
Thanks! :)


ever_neutral February 3 2010, 03:42:38 UTC

That shit was HOT, amirite? Yes.

Snazzy icons. Snagged... a lot. LOVE the Joss Whedon ones.


shinydinosaur February 3 2010, 03:52:28 UTC
Omfg yes.
I freaked out in insane amounts when I watched it for the first time and just assumed it was Echo in the background. Then it was like WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN.

Best part is, in order to get the right caps, I had to replay that scene like a zillion times. XDD
Icon #66 in general was MADE OF HOT.

And thanks, I love the way the Joss ones turned out from the credits. Unbelievably clear and somehow it just looked great. :D


ever_neutral February 3 2010, 14:10:50 UTC
Naturally, #66 is made of hot ;)

Dude, Amy Acker was ON FIRE I could not even. And of course, I just ship Alpha with everyone.


shinydinosaur February 3 2010, 21:38:37 UTC
And she SO was. I adored her as Fred, and 10x more as Illyria, but as Whiskey? OMFG. I'll watch her in anything.

Lol. Everyone? I still don't see where my ship loyalties are for Dollhouse yet. I thought I liked Alpha/Echo in S1 but then Echo/Paul .. and yet Paul/Mellie... and then Alpha/Whiskey is so amazing but what about the implications of Whiskey/Topher.... SO MUCH TO THINK ABOUT.

And what was weird was seeing Alpha/Echo as Wash/Faith and Alpha/Whiskey as Wash/Fred. It was all levels of bizarre due to me finally watching and being so attached to Firefly right before watching Dollhouse.


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