Memes & Things

Apr 24, 2011 23:08

I've been kinda all over the place today. A bit nauseated but that was mostly okay. I've been tired all day and kinda outta it. :/ Playing with baby Laila helped. XD She wanted my netbook. >>;; And she's probably gonna walk before she crawls. D'awww ( Read more... )

holidays, meme, family

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shiny_glor_chan April 25 2011, 13:23:03 UTC
She's so adorable~ She's my little second cousin. <3 She can't crawl, but I almost thought she was gonna so she could get to my netbook. XD

WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE AND CRACK PAIRINGS? >>;; Though, I guess this wouldn't be crack in history so much as HATE. XD

1. ...Turkey. >>;; That's how history went, ne? *ahem*
2. ...Russia. Lol.
3. ...Georgia...? *is shot*
4. Hmm. I can't imagine a loud Russia, and I don't know why. BUT, I can imagine a loud Turkey for the sole purpose of messing with other people. Wheee, being obnoxious, GO!
5. ...I dunno how this could end well, so just hatesex...? >>;;


1. FEEEEL? I FEEL FABULOUS! LIKE POLAND! Haha. He amuses me so much damned much. <3 I never gave a fuck about Polish history, but now I do, lol. Man, I needed Hetalia in Freshman year of high school. XD
2. Lithuania~ ...Romano, because it'd be lol, and I blame crack fic I wrote. Maybe Korea, for more crack.
3. Hungary, of course! <3 And Korea. Hahah ( ... )


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shiny_glor_chan April 25 2011, 18:02:30 UTC
3. But Georgia's right between their borders! >.>;;

*shall make a Poland icon for herself soon...ish*


iamelegentmess April 25 2011, 10:24:11 UTC
Pairing: France/England

Character: France

...I'm not obvious am I lol

..../stealing this soon also


STEAL TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT! <3 shiny_glor_chan April 25 2011, 13:40:01 UTC
FINALLY! NORMAL HETALIA PAIRINGS! Haha, though the crack ones I got were kinda fun, lol. <3

1. ...they'd fight over this forever, so I figure they're switchers. Depends on what kink or role they're playing? XD
2. Fraaaaaaaaance. Duuuuuuuuuh.
3. ...America and Canada? Hahaha. And Seychelles.
4. France, when being obnoxious, and England, when being drunk. XD
5. Uhhh. Just having sex and getting over their HUNDRED YEARS UST! Hahaha.


1. I feel quite amused. XD He's so fuuuun, and we always need a perverted character that's willing to be naked at the drop of a hat. XD
2. THE WORLD England, Prussia/Spain, Canada, Prussia/Spain/Romano.
3. Joan, the Bad Touch Trio. XD
4. Uhhhh. I don't know popular opinions to say what my unpopular opinions are. ;-;
5. Man, I'm so content with canon. >>;; Maybe France inviting England for some BTT shenanigans? XD


I WILL!~ iamelegentmess April 30 2011, 14:10:37 UTC

omg yes lol France has the prettiest hair, I think he'd cry if you said otherwise - (lol loving number 3) and 4 is pretty close to my headcanon (OH THE UST)

I'm glad you think France is fun, I think he's fun, some people don't though :/ hoho France/Romano? and hahaha BTT shenanigans, he'd probably have to be drunk


darthbatgirl April 25 2011, 11:34:41 UTC
Hmm threesome for the first meme okay? Dick/Jason/Tim if not Dick/Tim

Second meme, Alfred.


shiny_glor_chan April 25 2011, 13:44:45 UTC
Lol, why not, darling~ <3

1. JASON. >>;; My Jason muse needs to learn to take turns, man.
2. Dick, the whore. XD
3.'ll end in Robin, but Jason may have to have some 'erotic asphyxiation' time with Dick after he says Bruce. Tim will intervene.
4. Jason, if he's being obnoxious. Dick, if he's trying to embarrass Tim. Tim, if it just Jason and Dick working on making him as loud as fucking possible. XD
5. They work together instead of this BftC nonsense. Then have sex on every surface of Batcave. XD


1. Nostalgia and awesome. He's a rock, and without him, the whole Bat'verse would fall the fuck apart.
2. Hmm, Leslie and Ma Kent. XD
3. Lucius! They'd have to talk a lot about Bruce and his shenanigans. XD
4. Uhh, I don't think there's a such thing as an unpopular opinion about Alfred unless I shipped him creepy or hated him. >>;;
5. I wish he'd give Bruce a good smack. Then the rest of the boys a good smack when they need it, which is often. XD


helikesitrough April 25 2011, 17:06:53 UTC
Hm. I'll make this fun. Scotland/Belarus. [No. No I'm NOT missing my Scotland at all; sob]

And... hm. Cuba.


shiny_glor_chan April 25 2011, 18:09:21 UTC
But...there's no Scotland yet. D: And I don't have any headcanon for that... Sorry. D:

Here's Cuba, though:

1. I feeeeel that he's funny. It's a breath of fresh air to find a character that's not thin, white, and blond. >.>;;
2. Canada~!
3. ...Canada? XD
4. Uhhh, I don't have much opinions on him. Maybe he should show up more...?
5. ...Cuba actually sees America and gets to hit him instead of Canada. I'm so mean to my country, lol. XD


BDB: Represent ! subtlefire April 25 2011, 21:29:58 UTC

Yes, I'm a dork.

Qhuinn/Blay (duh).

Qhuinn. Or Blay. Or both.


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