Title: Reconnaissance
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Jason, Tim
Pairing(s): Jason/Tim (sorta one-sided, for now)
Word Count: 325
Genre: general/drama
Rating: Light R/M
Notes: For
kyrdwyn. She asked for Jason/Tim, and she got this little bit of an AU living in my head. It's an AU where Jason became a full time Titan after being benched for Garzonas. <3
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I second everything kirax2 said. More of this 'verse NEEDS to be written. I hope you get back into the fandom, and expand on this. *crosses fingers and hopes*
She was the one good thing about the Millerverse, I think. Her, and couple other small things that made me gush and flail. I think I'd love to see her drawn by Jim Lee. ♥
...seriously? Ohgod, I hope you're right! Totti! EEeee! *ahem* >>;; I'd need watch. I'll so look into that when I get there. <3
I'm 90% sure. :)
I never went to Trigoria myself, but I heard LOTS of people saying they go. I don't know if they just crowd around the outside fence and look in, or if they can GO in. It's probably the former, though I think that if you wait until the players are done and file out of the locker rooms, you can take pictures of them! ;)
Heee. I love you for giving me this info~ <3 Grazie mille! Sooooo much~ <3 Mmm, soccer eye-candy. XD
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