Mar 17, 2010 12:34

Callarkhamquick is my favorite for bringing this to my attention!!!Winick...is getting a 6 issue mini-series called... Red Hood: The Lost Days. I-I... It... *incoherent fangirling of JOY* Jason canon. More Jason canon that isn't penned by Daniel or Morrison and is during that nebulous time we all guess about! ...is it bad I want Jason/Talia canon ( Read more... )

comics, it calls to me, want want want!, jason is cuter than you, omfg yay, fangirling, look shiny!, squeal!

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Comments 57

the_protagonist March 17 2010, 17:09:55 UTC
That's certainly a pretty cover! I'm really excited for the mini!


the_protagonist March 17 2010, 17:12:26 UTC
Guh! I love the red-rimmed eyes... I can just see the bright blue iris's contrasting so prettily...

Bat signal behind Jason say's Gotham? So, Bruce'll make a guest appearance, hopefully?! And Tim?!

I'm excited for this!


shiny_glor_chan March 17 2010, 17:15:32 UTC
Lol, I dunno if there'll be any Tim or Bruce unless he was stalking them. Oooh, Jason stalking the stalker. XD

It's that time from between when Jay died and came back and Under the Hood, so I suspect some Al Ghuls and League of Assassins training. XD


shiny_glor_chan March 17 2010, 17:14:09 UTC
I'm so excited. I-I never thought I'd get any real Jason again! *fangirly sigh~*


saavikam77 March 17 2010, 17:14:43 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! *flails* ^_____^


shiny_glor_chan March 17 2010, 17:16:02 UTC
*joins in loud EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs and flails!* :D


alexiel_neesan March 17 2010, 17:17:05 UTC
Sweet holy flying crap hell yes.

Yay for Winick!!


shiny_glor_chan March 17 2010, 17:30:10 UTC



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shiny_glor_chan March 17 2010, 17:47:00 UTC
Agreed, though, with this I'm pretty sure Morrison's Jason will HAVE to be from another Earth. It'd make the most sense considering Morrison's obsession with the multiverse.

Jason porn! I approve of Jason porn in celebration! ;-; I lost my art bitch, so I can't get my fix from her if she won't call me back. D:

You know, he really should. It'd make sense, I'd love to see more talk between them. *should really read Hush then, shouldn't she? >>;;*


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shiny_glor_chan March 17 2010, 18:03:02 UTC
I'm okay with Morrison's obsession with the multiverse as long as he STAYS in the multiverse. :/

Mmm, Dickie. XD Did you see the edit I made? The interior artist for the mini series drew a pretty Dickie.

*nods* It's on my to read list after I finish that last bits of Steph's appearances. I have a list that has Hush's appearances, and I think it's pretty complete, so yay.


irrelevant March 17 2010, 18:24:19 UTC
Well, the art is definitely gorgeous, and the premise sounds good, but...

Did you see the comments on that linked post? Do people not understand the nature of the original "Crisis" reboot? Jason Todd post-crisis, is not Jason Todd pre-crisis. They are two different people with different backgrounds, and parents who are wildly different in both looks and temperament. I am so fucking tired of people saying that Morrison's red hair thing fits. Because it doesn't. Post crisis Jason had black hair before he met Batman.

I am so tired of people who don't seem to know anything about Jason perpetuating Morrison's fail. I think I'm going to be over in my corner nursing my Morrison loathing. >_<

But. Beautiful art. I'll be buying it, hoping that Winick does this right. Hoping.


shiny_glor_chan March 17 2010, 18:46:22 UTC
I did see the comments! I'm not part of that blog thing or whatever of I'd educate them! Morrison's red haired Jason doesn't even make sense for Pre-Crisis Jason. Something really terrible would have had to happen to Pre-Crisis Jay to make him anything like our Jason, at least anything like his bad side. :/

Well, you won't find people like that on this LJ! If there are any, I educate them real fast. <3

Winick has a Jason boner. I think he'll do right by our baby. *pet Jay baby*


irrelevant March 17 2010, 19:08:47 UTC
Something really terrible would have had to happen to Pre-Crisis Jay to make him anything like our Jason, at least anything like his bad side. :/

Y HULLO THAR BUNNY. Damn you. You keep giving me these fantastic plot ideas, and I'm dying to write some pre-Crisis Dick/Jay. And throw in a pre-Crisis Timmy of my own imagining, because how awesome would that be? See? I'm never going to finish my 20K Dick and Tim AU because you keep distracting me. Never stop. XD

I think the problem is, none of these people know Jason in either of his incarnations. They've never taken the time. So they end up talking out of their asses and looking like morons. Oh, did you see that one comment from the guy who practically boasted that he was part of the 'kill' vote? Must. Control. Red Hood. Urges.

Or... not. I think Red Hood fans have the right to be a little nuts, what with all the BS we've had to put up with from both DC and other comics fans.

Winick has a Jason boner.*nodnod* This is very true. And I'm gonna enjoy my real Jason any way ( ... )


shiny_glor_chan March 17 2010, 19:22:32 UTC
I give you bunnies. This makes me happy because I really like your writing. TWO comment_fics today. You are going to SPOIL me! XD

Yeah, if they actually sat and read... Or you know, talked to me... Since I've converted at least one Jason hater into someone who now writes Jason fic in first person POV (once but still).

Doesn't matter if that dumbass was part of the kill vote; I will always and forever believe it was rigged. Marvel calling in to save him because DC had no story, and DC calling to kill him, so the could write the story they had. :/

Jason Todd has to be one of the most fucked over characters ever. The first Crisis confused people. There was no clear line where pre-Crisis and post-Crisis ended and began. I understand the confusion because I had it too, but man, tell them to just read '85 and on, and they should be fine.

September...? Why September? The mini series is due June, and the movie is due 7/29.


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