Ficlet Meme

May 06, 2011 09:34

Okay, guys. I'm free from finals for the moment. I'm gonna start writing my second paper this weekend, SO today is mine. I have deemed it so. Since today is MINE, I feel like writing. That means you can prompt me. BUT I have conditions. First and foremost, expect nothing, and you can't be disappointed. Second, don't get too elaborate with your ( Read more... )

like i need another obsession, meme, attention whore wants attention, meme with fanfic

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Stalker!Tim + Robin!Jason + Disco!Dick + ladies = ...profit? shiny_glor_chan May 6 2011, 16:42:15 UTC
(Hehe, it's OMG, but I think that's a typo, not translation fail. <3) Stalker!Timmy is so 90s, it hurts. So good. XD


Tim knows he really shouldn't be in New York City, but he couldn't help it. Nightwing didn't come down to Gotham very often, and Robin never looked as free in Gotham as he did in NYC with the Titans. Robin flew higher here than he ever did in Gotham. ...quite literally, now that Tim thought about, since Robin was hitching a ride with Wonder Girl.

Though he couldn't hear what they were saying as the flew by his perch on the roof of a building (he had climbed rickety fire escape very carefully to get up there), Tim imagined Robin -- no, Jason because Jason was a very different Robin from Dick -- was hitting on Wonder Girl. Jason laughed, loud enough that Tim could hear the melodious sound, and Tim knew his theory was probably sound ( ... )


Re: Stalker!Tim + Robin!Jason + Disco!Dick + ladies = ...profit? necchan May 6 2011, 17:26:01 UTC
*giggles* Oh Jay, you shameless flirt. ♥♥ But you're flirting with Donna, so that's really, really Ok. X3
Too bad Tim didn't get to talk to him, but it was nice to see Jay with the Titans! \0/

(Hehe, it's OMG, but I think that's a typo, not translation fail. <3)

Oh, ops! XD
Yeah, totally I typo, though. I was writing to fast to check WHAT exactly I was writing. *fail*


Re: Stalker!Tim + Robin!Jason + Disco!Dick + ladies = ...profit? shiny_glor_chan May 6 2011, 20:00:27 UTC
He isssss. <3 Mmm, Jason/Donna. Hey, did you see my two con posts? One has cosplay pics and the other is art I bought. There's plenty of Donna in both. XD

It's okay! It happens to the best of us~ <3


Re: Stalker!Tim + Robin!Jason + Disco!Dick + ladies = ...profit? necchan May 6 2011, 20:52:25 UTC

I did see those posts in my friends page, but I wanted to check the pictures when I had the proper time to enjoy and perhaps even comment! *Neme's always short of time for anything :(*

It's okay! It happens to the best of us~ <3
...and as proof of that, my reply WAS full of typos. *double fail*


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