Yeah, I've been on a little het kick. >>;; Might was well let it happen since it's a rarity. XD So, I was thinking about Jason and the fact that he has not interact with any girls in Gotham. Barely. What, you think pushing Selina off a building counted (hahahaha, no)? Okay, he came back to Gotham with Harley and Holly at the end of Countdown, but nothing came of that. How's my bot supposed to get laid canonically when slash isn't an option (because boys suck, but not in the way that'd help this situation)?
LET HIM INTERACT WITH GIRLS! Like really, biggest interaction he'd had with any girls after he came back from the dead? Talia, the time he kidnapped Mia, stabbing that Onyx chick in UtH (who was she anyways? has she appeared since?), aaaand the his sidekick in B&R (the latter barely counts since that's not the real Jason; canon can suck it, even though I am rather fond of Scarlet despite it). If I'm missing an instance, it just might be because I'm trying to make sure I don't accidentally reference fanfic. >>;;
Okay, so women he should have AT LEAST had contact with? Babs, for one. There should have been NO question there. The storyline possibilities were amazing yet ignored completely (oh fuck Babs being outta town when Jason came back; she's fucking Oracle). Gotta admit the badly written Selina meeting probably wasn't too off base. Jason never liked her (though, that's Pre-Crisis jealousy; I don't remember if they met post-Crisis, so I'd have to check).
Then there's the Birds he could have met. Dinah and Helena come to mind, Helena especially. I've only read a bit of Helena, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have condemned Jason as easily as the rest of his family. Speaking of Birds, Cass Cain, dammit. It would have been interesting to have Jason fight someone there's pretty much no way he can win. Plus, depending on which version of Cass, it could have been cute or just bonding like.
Then there's Steph. Dude, comics are just soap operas in spandex. It would have been totally a classic soap thing to have Jason and Tim triangle over Steph. Could have been interesting, because Jason would have started the whole thing just to fuck with his successor then of course he'd end up like head over heels for Steph and her attitude. XD Timmy'd be screwed, in the not fun way.
Have I covered all my bases? Mostly. I could bitch about only the slightest bit of contact with the Teen Titans, but it's not really the girls that'd I'd be bitching about (aww, c'mon, Roy and Jason would totally be friends just to grate on Dick's nerves). Though, I don't like how the Donna stuff was left at the end of Countdown. I'd love Jason seeing Kory again because well, hello little shipping flag. Maybe some Raven interaction instead of just knocking her out. Bah.
On another note of Gotham women, I feel like there was an opportunity for great revenge was missed with the whole Vicki Vale knows who the Bats are thing. Jason's dead to the world, for all intensive purposes, and what better way to get back at the family to help a woman that Bruce bedded out them to the public? It's not like they'd be automatically dead with their identities out. They'd hide and take new identities, reluctantly, but it'd be quite the blow. Plus, I kinda think Jason would totally bang chicks Bruce has to get back at him. I think Talia was on that list then add Vicki? ...okay, there's a fic started on this in the recesses of my fic folder. >>;;
So yes, that's my het rant. Haha, some slash came in there, sorta. I blame Roy wanting to bang Jason to piss off Dickie. XD Or the other way around? Both! Hahaha. So yes, I ship all above characters with Jason (wait, do I ship Jason/Dinah? Hmm, or Jason/Onyx? Hmmm... Age up Scarlet before I do any shipping there. >>;; Jason likes his women older anyways. *is shot*)
Aaaand icon appropriate for post: y/y? XD
EDIT: I KNEW I'D FORGET SOMEONE! Actually, Rose Wilson was brought up which actually brings up a few more chicks an points! XD Okay, so Teen Titans #47, that Countdown tie in where Jason got kicked in the ball by the Timmy. Rose had a sword to his throat. Blade play would totally be their thing if they had more than a few panels together. He didn't even talk to her since his 'brothers' had all his attention with their bullshit
Speaking of that, Cassie was there, but she was only holding Timmy back (like that worked, pffft). Aaaand, then there was the whole point of the issue: finding out what happened to Duela Dent. Jason had some interaction with her, but she got zapped like right after.
Duela's a good point to turn to the multiverse Jasons. Other Jasons didn't have much womanly contact either 'cept Earth-15 with lil Jessica Palmer and WW!Donna Troy. That's not really many women, BUT there is Earth-15 in that
Countdown to Final Crisis GraphicAudio Comic where Batman!Jason is surrounded by women. WW!Donna Troy, Atom!Jessica Palmer, and instead of GL!Kyle or Superman!General Zod, there was Superwoman!Kara. That was like Jason!het world. XD
And I think THAT'S it. I could go pre-death and pre-Crisis too, but he was kid, so there wasn't really anything substantial, I think. I mean, Natalia Knight (Nocturna) took Jason in during pre-Crisis when the government took him away from Bruce (haha, bad parent), but that's not romantic anything, though it's a little point to be made.
I'll shut up, I swear. ...does this need a cut now...? >>;;
EDIT 2: Last edit, I swear! I remembered another girl because of Nightwing: One Year Later, Cheyenne, that red head that Dick was banging. *nods* Jason totally flirted with her, and I wanted Jason/Dick/Cheyenne. Nightwing threesome! :D ...I never ended up writing it, but it could have happened, IF DICK LEARNED TO SHARE! >>;; Dick gets like ALL THE WOMEN, AND JAY GETS NONE! No wonder Jason's always so ANGRY; he needs to get LAID, and his brother is ALWAYS getting laid. I'd be angry all the time to, damn.
EDIT 3 (03/11/2010): MORE GIRLS I MISSED! A World Without Young Justice (YJ#44)? That cross-breed Post-Crisis/Pre-Crisis Jason that was sorta with Anita who back stabbed him later (quite literally), and he went to dark Cissie and fat, red-head Cassie for help. XD Cassie needed to not threaten Jay with a broken wine bottle, though. :/
EDIT 4 (06/25/2010): I've been skimming some Pre-Crisis Jason, so there's some stuff I missed. Her name's Rena, and she was Pre-Crisis Jason's girlfriend in Detective Comics 561, Detective Comics 563, Detective Comics 564, Batman 398, and Detective Comics 565. Little brown haired girl who invited him to take drugs with him, then he saves her from their peers as Robin. Later, they see movies together.
And in Batman #396, Jason and Selina get along when they're both jealous of Batman and that Julia chick. Last page, they go to see a late movie together. XD D'awww. Man, it's sad that Pre-Crisis Jason's got more action than Post-Crisis Jason. What kind of shenanigans are these? >>;;
EDIT 5 (06/25/2010): Oops, I forgot about the meeting with Wonder Woman in that Superman Annual, The Man Who Has everything. You know, the one where JASON TODD SAVES THE BIG THREE! >:D
EDIT 6 (01/13/2011): I think this is the post that will never stop being edited. XD I never edited this for Red Hood: Lost Days #6. JASON FINALLY GETS SOME AND WITH TALIA, NO LESS! There are no words for how happy and vindicated that issue made me feel. <3