Title: Prison Break Out
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Owen, Kon
Pairing(s): Owen/Kon (I win at random Kon pairing, yay?)
Word Count: 623
Genre: general
Rating: PG-13/T
Notes: Well, I can't take the credit for coming up with this. My
meme handed it to me, and well, I expanded on my drabble for the
Superboy Unusual Pairing Month Challenge. In degrees of separation, these two could have met pretty easily, if you think about it. It's a shame Kon died, and that didn't happen. Owen's in a prison cell again, and his cell mate claims to be Superboy. That's not really a good costume... It's just an S-shirt.
Link: N/A
"What's so super about you? Seem pretty normal to me. No real costume, even."
Kon glared at his cell mate. "There's kyrptonite in these cuffs, so I can't break free." He paused before getting angry. "And it is a costume! See the S?"
Owen rolled his eyes as he got a pick lock that was hidden in the scarf around his neck, using his mouth to unlock his handcuffs. Once out of his cuffs, Owen rubbed his wrists as he took the pick lock and moved to unlock Kon. "Anyone can where an S shirt, kid, but if I toss these cuffs, you can fly us outta here?" he asked as the cuffs click open.
"Of course!" Kon answered as Owen tossed the cuffs through the bars, bringing Kon's strength back to him. "All right! Let's blow this pop stand!"
Kon grabbed Owen's hand and sped at full force through the wall, bringing them to freedom. Once far enough away, Kon dropped Owen unceremoniously, who easily landed on his feet. Owen rolled eyes, muttering about hero types.
“Hey, what's wrong with hero types?” Kon asked unhappily. “At least we don't end up in prison.”
Owen glared at Kon. “Oh really? What did you call the place we just escaped from? Supers. All brawn and no brains,” he muttered.
Kon flushed angrily. “I wasn't supposed to be there. That prison was fucked up!” he shouted. “And not all of us Supers are all brawn. Superman and Supergirl think before the punch...”
Owen twitched at the mention of Kara. “Right. And you're not a bit biased Superboy?” he asked sarcastically. “And do you even know Kara? She just leaps into the thick of things and hopes for the best. Not there's anything wrong with that...”
“Wait...” Kon started with a questioning look. “You have the hots for Kara! Wait, how do you know her name?”
“I was friends with her. Guess dying and coming back fried your brain,” Owen said unhappily. “Anyway, I don't like her that way anymore.”
Kon snorted. “Yeah, right. Prove it!”
Owen got an idea; it wasn't his best, but he had the element of speed and surprise on his side. He used burst of speed to catch Kon off guard, grabbing Kon's neck and pulling him into a hard kiss before speeding back to where he had been standing. “Enough proof?” he asked nonchalantly.
Kon gaped. “When did Captain Boomerang get super speed?”
Owen grinned lazily. “I've always had it. My mom was a speedster from the future-”
“Wait, a second...” Kon trailed off before his eyes widened. “You're related to Kid Flash!?”
Owen blinked for a moment. “Huh... I never thought of that, but I probably am,” he mused.
“That's so weird! Everything goes crazy while I was dead!” Kon exclaimed unhappily while Owen laughed. “No, seriously. Weren't you like a bad guy's son?”
Owen's laughter faded quickly in a scowl. “What of it?” he growled unhappily. “My father was a good man, even if you'll never believe it.”
“Didn't he kill Robin's dad, though? That's not good no matter how you look at it,” Kon stated as he started to float off the ground.
“Hey, Robin's dad killed my dad too! Everyone seems to forget that!” Owen shouted angrily. “Why don't you get outta here, you super jackass!”
Kon scowled. “Fine! Find your own way home!” he shouted and flew off.
Owen watched him go as kicked the ground, sending grass flying. “Supers, who needs 'em!” he grumbled as he used short bursts speed to head to his shithole of an apartment.