So I have twenty six more fanfic recs for you all. I've almost cleaned out my "to be recced" folder for Hikago. I have maybe ten more or so. That's not taking into account, however, my back log in all the lj comms and archives I plan on going through. We'll see how that goes ^^
26 Hikaru no Go quick recs )
Comments 6
Thanks so much for reccing these. And *blush* I've never been recced until this unholy crack!fic of mine! Thank you!
*goes to fix your user name*
And you're welcome for the rec except for the blatant stupidity on my part. ^^
And I've always found that it's easiest to recommend crack!fic to other people than long, plotty pieces. I guess it's easier to say that something was wickedly funny than saying something made you cry or think.
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