Well, a new TDA would have aired by now in Canada if that in fact happened. I guess I'll find out around midnight-ish when I go around looking for torrents.
Haha, I was pretty amused that I was right in pegging Ulala as Ursula, though I think a lot of people predicted that, so it's hardly something to be proud of. XD Good lord she was awesome, though. By far Dawn's best one-shot rival and one that deserves to be a regular. With Conway. That would be pure madness.
Anyway, seeing that Contest episode did a lot to inspire me for how to handle my own in Chapter 9. I think I'm also going to alter the timeline a bit.
Initially, this was the timeline from Chapter 7 onwards:
A Breed Stampede! - Leading a Stray!: Paul spends the night at Conway's; Conway vs Maylene Gym Battle, Paul continues his journey afterwards with Conway following; Route 216 is encountered and The Bet is made; Paul and Conway temporarily split up (Chapter 8)
Steeling Piece of Mind! - Cheers on Castaways Isle!: Paul loses the bet and Conway finds out; Paul is forced to enter a Contest as a result and the two travel to a conveniently-located small town where one is being held to compete; afterwards, Paul continues his journey and Conway has rejoined him; Reggie notices something strange happening from afar way over at Iron Island (Chapter 9)
Hold the Phione! - Stealing the Conversation!: Paul and Conway have taken a safer shortcut to Snowpoint City but have not yet reached it; they are attacked by Mars and Conway is subsequently kidnapped; Paul rescues him, but fails to retrieve the book that Team Galactic has stolen from him; considering the life debt repaid, Paul breaks all ties with Conway completely and continues his journey to Snowpoint City alone while Conway self-reflects (Chapter 10)
The Drifting Snorunt! - Pursuing a Lofty Goal!: Paul's self-reflection, his lingering curiosity of the mysterious assailant, why Conway keeps coming to his mind, and of course, the Wind Town/PokeRinger adaption (Chapter 11)
Now, I think I'll alter it a bit and make some additions.
A Breed Stampede! - Leading a Stray!: Paul spends the night at Conway's; Conway vs Maylene Gym Battle, Paul continues his journey afterwards with Conway following; Route 216 is encountered and The Bet is made; Paul and Conway temporarily split up (Chapter 8)
Steeling Piece of Mind! - Stealing the Conversation!: Paul loses the bet and Conway finds out; Reggie notices something strange happening from the meteors in Veilstone City; Samuel arrives (with the Battle Pyramid) to Veilstone City in hopes of finding Brandon but only meets up with Reggie and Maylene instead; Paul is forced to enter a Contest as a result of losing his bet with Conway and the two travel to Plumeria Town where one is being held to compete; afterwards, Paul continues his journey to Snowpoint City and Conway has rejoined him; Saturn sends Mars out on a mission to retrieve a certain book. (Chapter 9)
The Drifting Snorunt! - Noodles: Roamin' Off!: Paul and Conway have taken a safer shortcut to Snowpoint City but have not yet reached it; they are attacked by Mars and Conway is subsequently kidnapped; Paul rescues him, but fails to retrieve the book that Team Galactic has stolen from him; considering the life debt repaid, Paul breaks all ties with Conway completely and continues his journey to Snowpoint City alone while Conway self-reflects (Chapter 10)
Pursuing a Lofty Goal! (Direct Episode Adaption): Paul's self-reflection, his lingering curiosity of the mysterious assailant, why Conway keeps coming to his mind; he arrives at Wind Town to compete in the PokeRinger competition and meets up with Ash & Co.; Paul loses the competition after Ash's Staravia evolves to Staraptor and this marks the beginning of his losing streak (Chapter 11)
Trials and Adulations! - Old Rivals, New Tricks: Mars informs Saturn of her mission accomplishments, as well as her failures; Conway's family is told that Conway has died on Route 216; Paul reaches Snowpoint City and challenges Gym Leader Candice; due to his conflict with Conway, Paul refuses to use the strategy Conway made for him and is ultimately sweeped by Candice; Conway is making his way back down the mountain, worried that there are men looking for him; Conway is saved by a Smoochum and eventually captures her (Chapter 12)
To Thine Own Pokémon Be True! - Battling a Cute Drama!: Paul trains for the rematch with Candice; Reggie leaves by car to Snowpoint City in order to return a Pokemon back to its trainer; Conway returns to Veilstone City and meets Maylene where he finds out that he was proclaimed dead at Route 216 due to the events of Chapter 10; Conway attends his own funeral in hiding and realizes the truth about his cousin and his family in general; Franny is also recruited to work by her cousin after the ceremony; Conway resolves to run away and develop an alter-ego to hide his identity, preferring to remain "dead"; while on the run, Conway resolves to find out what's going on behind the scenes at Team Galactic (Chapter 13)
Classroom Training! - Sliding Into Seventh!: Samuel finally finds Brandon and Brandon is reunited with his Battle Pyramid; he eventually pinpoints the Snowpoint Temple as the location of Regigigas and possibly contacts Mikoto for the first time; Paul's still training and Reggie's still driving so there's likely to be some filler around here; Conway meets Barry and the two battle, only for it to be interrupted when some antics happen between their two Heracross and that'll lead to those two "bonding"; Paul completes his training and returns to Snowpoint City for a rematch with Candice, only to find that Ash and Co. is there and Ash has just won an Icicle Badge from Candice (Chapter 14)
A Pyramiding Rage! (Direct Episode Adaption): Paul agrees to battle Candice the next day as he arrived at a bad time and trains while the usual events of the episode transpire; Paul meets Reggie the next day by coincidence and both find out about Ash's Battle Frontier accomplishments after seeing the Battle Pyramid fly across Snowpoint City; they decide to follow it after Ash & Co. contact Brandon; before leaving, Reggie and Paul might contact him separately while "gathering everyone else's things" to Reggie's car; Paul in the meantime re-organizes his team for a certain purpose; the gang meet Brandon and Reggie and Paul pretend to only know him on a professional level; to everyone's surprise, Paul challenges Brandon to a battle and is completely swept by him; Paul reaches a revelation at the lowest end of his losing streak after Reggie suggests a full battle between him and Ash 10 days from this point at Lake Acuity; Paul delays his match with Candice in order to train for the full battle, then he and Reggie drive off; Samuel and Mikoto arrive to inform Brandon of the trouble going on at Snowpoint Temple (Chapter 15)
Pillars of Friendship! (Direct Episode Adaption): Brandon, Ash, Dawn, Brock, Mikoto, and Samuel deal with the situation regarding Pokemon Hunter J attempting to capture Regigigas; the situation is handled and Brandon decides to leave all three of his Regis in the temple to protect Regigigas as the legend foretold; he also stays behind to help rebuild the temple (heavily damaged due to Regigigas' awakening) while Ash & Co. board a train en route to Lake Acuity; Brandon and Samuel are also left to repair the damages the Battle Pyramid sustained during Hunter J's attack; Brandon realizes he is unable to fulfill his promise to Professor Oak, Scott, and the Frontier Brains and is now faced with the problem of how to rectify this, knowing he cannot return to Kanto until he brings something noteworthy back (Chapter 16)
Frozen in Their Tracks!: Reggie agrees to train Paul personally in preparation for his battle with Ash; while driving, both notice pillars of smoke in the sky and decide to check it out, finding their father hard at work repairing the Battle Pyramid and Snowpoint Temple; Paul learns about Brandon's impulsive actions and both he and Reggie learn about what's become of Brandon's Regis and his failure to capture Regigigas; lots of family exposition goes on here (insinuations of Paul inheriting his mother's disease are made), as well as some intense Paul vs Reggie training where Paul is horrified to learn that Reggie, even while he's rusty, remains to be a stronger trainer than Paul and Paul is faced with having to defeat his brother if he is to stand a chance against Ash; Magmar evolves to Magmortar... Brandon might be watching this training; also, updates on Conway's undercover mission with Barry in tow (Chapter 17)
Pedal to the Mettle! - Evolving Strategies! (Direct Episode Adaptions): Reggie and Paul reach Lake Acuity to complete their training before Ash & Co. arrive; they arrive and the full battle between Paul and Ash commences; all goes as the episode dictates with Chimchar evolving to Monferno and Paul soundly defeats Ash anyway, marking the end of his massive losing streak; Paul reaches an epiphany of some sort in regards to how Reggie and Conway have had a positive influence on his battling style, but keeps it to himself; Paul leaves for Snowpoint City to finally earn his 7th Badge (Chapter 18)
Uncrushing Defeat! - Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!: Paul defeats Candice and wins the Icicle Badge; Reggie may or may not be in the audience, but if he is, he'll be driving Paul back down to Veilstone City; Reggie (with or without Paul) will reunite with Maylene, who tells him/them about the situation with Conway; Conway meanwhile is having major tension with Barry as they both turn out to be horrible influences on each other, but Conway is slowly learning more and more about Team Galactic and the ties his family has with them; Paul resolves to find Conway, but never admits this out loud; Reggie resumes his personal training with Maylene as they grow closer together and Brandon is on the hunt for some new legendaries... this may be where the Brandon childhood flashback segments begin (Chapter 19)
Beating the Hustle and Bustle! - Gateway to Ruin!: Fuzzy here since this covers a Team Galactic episode, so this is subject to change until I see the episode and find out more details; Barry and Conway eventually separate at Pastoria City, but Paul reunites with Conway shortly after and the two are finally a traveling duo again after some awkward making-up; Reggie can't tear himself away from Maylene, who is likely due to return to her Gym soon, which makes things more awkward; Brandon will spew more childhood backstory on us and there may or may not be cameos from present-time Byron and/or Palmer; depending on what happens with the Galactic stuff, Paul might be dragged into the investigation with Conway; ultimately though, both are on track to Sunyshore City so Paul can earn his 8th and final Badge (Chapter 20)
Like I said, with this much future planning, a LOT is subject to change for the future chapters, but now I have some ideas for the story all the way to Chapter 20 now! Bear in mind I'm still just on Chapter 9!
Chapter 9 is 11k words, by the way. I've just now finished the Reggie scene, which is why I wanted to revamp the Trifecta timeline, because I did alter one thing after seeing the episodes.
It's probably just a minor thing, but due to how long it would probably take for Paul to recover from two nasty blows to the head, stage 2 hypothermia and frostbite, and the general things you have to recover from after falling off a cliff... I decided that I would have the Chocovine Contest occur before the Plumeria Contest, rather than afterwards like I initially planned. This just makes things flow a little better continuity-wise and it feels more realistic this way. I wanted to make sure I had that confirmed before I go ahead and start writing the Contest segment. Plus, this means I can make direct references to Another One Gabites the Dust! and insert some of that delicious one-sided HeatTagshipping. ♥
I totally forgot to at first, but for the me-made rivals-of-the-episode, I need to decide on their Pokemon for the battle rounds. I've decided Janelle would have Monferno for the Appeal round, and Mina would have Gible. For the battle round... well, I'd like Janelle to have another Fire-type. With Mina, anything goes, I suppose. As long as it's a sucky Pokemon, because Mina's gimmick is to be a very submissive parallel to Conway, as Janelle is to Paul in some twisted way. You know, the big nasty bully + eager-to-please nerdy sidekick.
Still, having watched Another One Gabites the Dust! now, I have some great ideas for Appeals, so hopefully this is gonna be awesome once I have it written out. 9's felt like such a goddamn drag so far. We need some excitement, dammit...!
Now if only RP would not distract me so much~. It's just way too fun having a Paul that makes the ladies cry and trolls every Ash he sees and has eerie sexy times with Silver, which proves what a narcissist Paul truly is.
Gawh, it feels so good to be bad.
Okay, that's all for now!