Title: Last 24 Hours
Genre: AU, School life, Attempted Mystery, Attempted Romance, Friendship
Rating: PG
Type: Multi-Chaptered…
Characters: JUMP, OCs, other JE Artists
Warnings: crappy-ness, failure, name confusion coz I altered names. Please take time checking the character profile to avoid confusion na~ arigatou~ OOC-ness all the way. It’s AU after all.
Disclaimer: This is entirely fictional and the only thing I own is the plot and my original characters~
Summary: Joshua Yamada gets curious of the fact that there are yearly deaths happening in their school. Curiosity gets the best of him when he hears from Ryan Nakajima a rumor behind the mysterious deaths and being a mystery addict he is, Joshua searched for answers only to find out that their lives are already in danger. Will they ever find a way to cheat death and survive the curse cast upon them before the time is over or will they end up dead like the others? [fail!fail!fail! ASDFGDF!!!help?TAT]
Character Profile 001:
*I changed their first names to western names but their family names remained the same~ Let me remind you that THIS is fictional so OOC-ness is quite normal~XDD yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
1. Yabu Kota as Carlo Yabu
- the eldest among JUMP. Alexis Takaki’s best friend. The strict-bit-harsh-acting-brother of the group but nevertheless very kind. Kinda overprotective and sometimes his ‘motherly’ attitudes comes out whenever one of his friends is in trouble.
2. Takaki Yuya as Alexis Takaki
- the hot-mature-yet-childish-baka type of the group but his intelligence just like the others is exceptional. He has been crushing on one of his senpai’s (one of the victims of the curse) little sister but he could do nothing but to stare when he’s in front of her as he seem to lose his tongue whenever she’s around.
3. Kristine Inoo
- Inoo Kei’s twin sister. The extreme of everything a girl could ever wish for-brains, beauty, talent, and a friend slash soon to be boyfriend - Harvey Yaotome. She’s a bit tomboyish unlike what her outer appearance shouts. At first sight, you’ll think of her as a very gentle, sweet fragile angel you could ever imagine but if you see her play her favorite sport (soccer), you’re jaws will drop until it reach the floor! Deemed the ‘walking goddess’ by the whole academy.
4. Yaotome Hikaru as Harvey Yaotome
- Kristine’s best friend since childhood. He has the expertise in music. He plays a lot of stringed instruments that the school really admired. He’s known as the Prince of Stringed Instruments and was chosen to be a representative last year in the Battle of the Strings and brought pride in the academy. Aside from that he is effortlessly good in academics.
5. Arioka Daiki as Raniel Arioka
- the most studious among JUMP. You’ll never see him away from his beloved textbooks and of course his favorite, Pocky. This person is really snobbish. All he wants is a peaceful environment where he can concentrate on his studies. He hates loud persons. Despite his being snobbish, Raniel is a really good listener. He can give good pieces of advice when worst comes to worst but he could just be plain evil at times especially when Ryan ruins his peaceful life.
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