Title: Made of Stars - 3/6 - Pairing: Key/Jonghyun, (Key/Onew) Rating: R Genre: Romance Warning(s): non graphic descriptions of sex Final Word Count: 54,000 +
Title: Made of Stars - 2/6 - Pairing: Key/Jonghyun, (Key/Onew) Rating: R Genre: Romance Warning(s): non graphic descriptions of sex Final Word Count: 54,000 +
Title: Made of Stars - 1/6 - Pairing: Key/Jonghyun, (Key/Onew) Rating: R Genre: Romance Warning(s): non graphic descriptions of sex Final Word Count: 54,000 +
Title: The Usual Suspects Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: R Warnings: mild to moderate (mis)use of cursing and commas, violence, non graphic mentions of self harm and abuse Final Word Count: 63,620
Title: The Usual Suspects Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: R Warnings: mild to moderate (mis)use of cursing and commas, violence, non graphic mentions of self harm and abuse Final Word Count: 63,620
Title: The Usual Suspects Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: R Warnings: mild to moderate (mis)use of cursing and commas, violence, non graphic mentions of self harm and abuse Final Word Count: 63,620
Title: The Usual Suspects Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: R Warnings: mild to moderate (mis)use of cursing and commas, violence, non graphic mentions of self harm and abuse Final Word Count: 63,620
Title: The Usual Suspects Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: R Warnings: mild to moderate (mis)use of cursing and commas, violence, non graphic mentions of self harm and abuse Final Word Count: 63,620
Title: The Usual Suspects Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: R Warnings: mild to moderate (mis)use of cursing and commas, violence, non graphic mentions of self harm and abuse Final Word Count: 63,620
Title: The Usual Suspects Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Rating: R Warnings: mild to moderate (mis)use of cursing and commas, violence, non graphic mentions of self harm and abuse Final Word Count: 63,620