#01 Mod Post: Greetings/Rules

Oct 18, 2010 22:36

 Hello Everybody,

I would like to officially welcome you all to the SHINee Girls Community !
The SHINee Girls Community is designed for fans of SHINee's female alter-egos.
In case you are not aware of who is who,
Eunsook = Onew, Lee Jinki
Junghee = Jonghyun, Kim Jonghyun
Gwiboon = Key, Kim Kibum
Minjung = Minho, Choi Minho
Taeyeon = Taemin, Lee Taemin

This is my first time being a moderator of a community, so bear with me
and let's all help to make this community live as long as possible! ^_^
If you have any questions, comments or concerns 
feel free to ask!

General Rules
- All entries must contain at least one of the SHINee members as a female
- Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual pairings are all permitted as long as one of the character's within the story is a female alter-ego of SHINee
- Members may post a total of 3 times a day and no more, regardless if it is a Fanfic, Fanart, or any other type of post
- If you want to post an advertisement please ask me first.
-If you wish to become affiliates, simply ask
- All fanfictions must be put behind a LJ cut, Fake cuts are allowed, but make sure all stories that are behind fakecuts are accessible to all memebers of the community. In other words, keep your entries unlocked for at least 48 hours, so that everyone in the community may enjoy them.
- All Fanarts must be behind a LJ cut or fake cut, a preview of the image is allowed outside of the cut, but please make it small
- Banners are allowed, but I would prefer if you kept them small, please be kind and don't hog space in the community
- No bashing or flaming of any individuals and/or their work, this is a friendly community and bullying will not be tolerated
- All NC-17 and R entries should be member locked
- Please do not mess with the font and go about changing everything
- Please tag all work accordingly
- You will receive a warning if you break any rules, after you have been warned you have 24 hours to fix what ever mistake you has been made. If you do not fix your mistake, I will remove your post. If I am forced to remove 3 of your posts you will be banned due to blatant disregard for the rules.

Posting Format

When posting please format as such,
Author/Artist: optional
Title: optional
Rating: mandatory
Pairing: mandatory
Genre: optional
Author/Artist Note: optional
Summary: optional

I urge you to help fill this comm and keep it alive :]


All entries must be tagged, no exceptions. I will notify you if you have tagged your post incorrectly so you can fix it. Even I've forgotten a few tags when posting in other comms, no worries is happens. Just be sure to fix it once I've warned you.

Tags are as follwing:
!Mod Post <--- will only be used by me, the mod
!Fanart <--- for fan art
!Fanfiction <--- for fan fiction
!FanGraphics <--- for fan made icons, layouts, graphics etc.(Must include a female!SHINee memeber)
!RP <--- for role playing posts (in place of the !Fanfiction tag)
#crossover <--- add the group ( DBSK, Super Junior, fx, Beast, SNSD, etc.)
rating: g
rating: pg
rating: pg-13
rating: pg-15
rating: r
rating: nc-17
Pairings will be written with boy names, however make sure in your post to state which members are female
please do not make your own pairings, when pairing contains 3 or 4 people, use either the ot3 or ot4 tag and include member tags for the members invovled. If it is a pairing containing all 5 only the ot5 tag is necessary
pairing: ot3
pairing: ot4
pairing: ot5
pairing: member/OC
pairing: jonghyun/key
pairing: jonghyun/minho
pairing: jonghyun/onew
pairing: jonghyun/taemin
pairing: key/minho
pairing: key/onew
pairing: key/taemin
pairing: minho/onew
pairing: minho/taemin
pairing: onew/taemin
member: jonghyun
member: key
member: minho
member: onew
member: taemin
If using the #crossover tag, add the according member tags of those involved with non-SHINee characters
On the topic of author tags: after 3 posts to the community you will be given an author tag, until then use the following. Same goes for artists.
author: a
author: b
author: c
author: d
and so on and so forth, use the first letter of your lj username

Thank you for your time and be sure to post post post! ^_^

!mod post

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