Title: Paranoid
keychubum &
pikasquad (Team Name - Trash Queens)
Pairing: Minho/Taemin
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None.
Authors’ Notes: This was so difficult to iron out, but in the end I think it turn out pretty good. Enjoy my lame attempts at humor - Shino
Taemin should really pay more attention to his surroundings. Jonghyun is annoyed, Kibum thinks it’s hilarious and Minho really just doesn’t get it. The moral of the story is; Taemin’s an idiot. )
Comments 2
i thought minho was a creepy stalker and will murder taemin because of his beauty especially the throwing the trash scene it scares me out lol
thank god they finally talked to each other phewww
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