Drabble meme

Mar 08, 2011 17:21

This may be a really bad idea, given my progress so far on my list, but I haven't tried drabbling in a while, and it's so much fun. Plus, this week is Spring Break, dangit. So.

Meme borrowed from mrstater and chococoffeekiss, in honor of International Women's Day:
Name a woman in one of my fandoms and I will attempt a drabble about her.I guess "my fandoms" would be ( Read more... )

memes, drabbles

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katyhasclogs March 9 2011, 13:20:54 UTC

(I know I sound like a broken record, but I do love her and she's so rarely written.)


shimotsuki March 10 2011, 19:56:22 UTC
I was planning to write an older, wiser Iselle, but this plotbunny bit first! (I'll dedicate another Iselle fic to you sometime. ;) ) And I do love her bright spontaneity, even before it becomes tempered with wisdom...

(ETA: There's a bit of Iselle in the Provincara drabble, above.)

“And dinners at court.” Iselle was excited enough to have bounced in her saddle if that weren’t such bad form. “With the lords and ladies in their fine silks.”

Betriz listened, eyes wide. “And minstrels!”

“And divines, and soldiers. All kinds of people. Isn’t that right, Lord Caz?”

Her secretary-tutor rode stiffly beside her. “There are indeed all kinds of people at court, Royesse. But not all may be to your liking.”

Iselle wrinkled her nose. Caz’s dark words were no better than her mother’s tears. Older people just didn’t understand how important this was.


bookish_brownie March 11 2011, 01:22:30 UTC
Oh, Iselle, if only you knew at this point! I like Iselle's grouping Caz with the generic category of "older people;" it made me smile.


shimotsuki March 11 2011, 02:23:21 UTC
Hee! I think that Iselle is enough younger than Betriz that Caz seems more remote to her. (There's that line at the end of CoC where Iselle says, "He's not so old after all," and Betriz counters, "Not old at all," or something close to that...)


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