Drabble meme

Mar 08, 2011 17:21

This may be a really bad idea, given my progress so far on my list, but I haven't tried drabbling in a while, and it's so much fun. Plus, this week is Spring Break, dangit. So.

Meme borrowed from mrstater and chococoffeekiss, in honor of International Women's Day:
Name a woman in one of my fandoms and I will attempt a drabble about her.I guess "my fandoms" would be ( Read more... )

memes, drabbles

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bookish_brownie March 9 2011, 04:58:46 UTC
Betriz! I'm surprised that one hadn't been taken yet.


shimotsuki March 10 2011, 19:12:38 UTC
Yay! And here's a double drabble at 200 words -- this one just kept going and wouldn't let me stop, heh.

Betriz hadn’t realized how much Cazaril had changed this spring. Not until tonight ( ... )


marbleglove March 10 2011, 22:58:07 UTC
I really like this. It has definitely entered into my personal canon. Since the book is so much from Caz' perspective, it's interesting to see his internal thoughts from an external perspective. And it's wonderful to see Betriz' growing feelings.


shimotsuki March 10 2011, 23:39:59 UTC
Thanks! I know this ended up being as much about Caz as it is about Betriz (maybe it's 100 words for each? hee), but I wanted to show her starting to put the pieces together and realizing there's more going on than she knew at first.


bookish_brownie March 11 2011, 01:19:32 UTC
Very nice. I especially liked this part: Betriz had known, as though it were a list of facts from one of his lessons, that Cazaril had been captured, enslaved, beaten; had lost all his wordly goods. But she hadn’t really understood, until tonight, how fundamentally his captivity had marked him.

I love the sense of how deeply Betriz has gotten to know Caz in a relatively short time. It's also an important reminder of just how much Caz suffered (which I still find myself not quite comprehending), but still managed to be so awesome.


shimotsuki March 11 2011, 02:19:17 UTC
Thanks; I'm so glad you liked this. I was afraid there was too much Caz creeping in -- which was one reason I let it go to 200 words, so Betriz would get her fair turn, heh. But on the other hand, I do think it's part of Betriz growing into herself that she learns to broaden her perspective from that of a young girl growing up safe and loved in the countryside. And moments like this could be part of that.


gilpin25 March 11 2011, 20:58:30 UTC
Oh, that's lovely. Betriz's observations read like dawning realizations for both a man and a husband - I love her silent vow at the end. Makes me think she's come a long way as well. :)


shimotsuki April 1 2011, 03:51:12 UTC
I think she probably has -- and it's lovely to imagine how she might have begun to appreciate Cazaril!


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