Drabble meme

Mar 08, 2011 17:21

This may be a really bad idea, given my progress so far on my list, but I haven't tried drabbling in a while, and it's so much fun. Plus, this week is Spring Break, dangit. So.

Meme borrowed from mrstater and chococoffeekiss, in honor of International Women's Day:
Name a woman in one of my fandoms and I will attempt a drabble about her.I guess "my fandoms" would be ( Read more... )

memes, drabbles

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carnivalgirl March 8 2011, 23:25:28 UTC
Lily Evans/Potter. Because I've seen different interpretations of her from fiesty to adorable, and I'd love to see your take. :)


shimotsuki March 9 2011, 16:33:14 UTC
Oh, I do like Lily! I see her as a little more traditionally girly than Tonks (or Ginny), but pretty feisty. (If you're looking for stuff to read, I do actually have a handful of Lily fics, indexed here -- the first three and "Seeds" are Lily POV. :P )

Lily woke at dawn, athrill with anticipation. Sev had told her so much about Hogwarts, and she couldn’t wait to explore it for herself.

She found the Great Hall on her own. A few other early risers had already started on breakfast. From the doorway, she scanned faces until she saw the one she knew best.

She went over to him. “Morning, Sev! Do we always eat at our own tables?”

“Talking to Mudbloods, Snape?” drawled an older boy with white-blond hair. The other Slytherins laughed.

Sev looked away.

It seemed he hadn’t told her everything about Hogwarts.


avanti_90 March 9 2011, 17:29:33 UTC
Ouch. That was very nicely done.


shimotsuki March 9 2011, 19:23:59 UTC
Thanks...and yeah, ouch. Snape makes a lot of wrong choices over the years, but he's got to be hurting here even as he hurts Lily.


mrstater March 10 2011, 22:31:31 UTC
What a hard lesson to learn on the first day of school. :( She's such a cutie, equal parts bold to try and buck tradition a little (clearly not being into the eating with only your house thing) and a little wary, wanting to be with the person she knows.

And I know this is supposed to be about Lily, but I really feel for Snape here. He's just a little boy, and a little boy who's lived a very difficult life, to boot. It's not really surprising he fell in with the wrong crowd, is it? Especially not thanks to that kind of segregation built right into the Hogwarts structure.


mrstater March 10 2011, 22:32:07 UTC
Erm...Anne/Gilbert icon is oddly appropriate for Lily/Snape, even down to hair color??


shimotsuki March 10 2011, 23:47:11 UTC
In Snape's memories, we see Lily so eager to learn about the magical world -- and we see how much Snape knows he's not telling her.

I'm glad this made you feel for Snape, because I really do. I mean, he made lots of bad decisions, and he was downright nasty to a lot of people (as your Ginny points out!). But he was also in a pretty bad situation from the start, and I agree that it's no surprise that he fell in with the strong kids in his House.

LOL for Anne/Gilbert! But that would work for Lily/James, too, I guess.


zia_montrose March 14 2011, 02:51:46 UTC
You've managed to make whipping out these perfectly canonical and in-character moments look easier than it is. I enjoyed both HP ones! : )


shimotsuki April 1 2011, 03:36:52 UTC
Ack, sorry I'm so late replying, but thank you very much!


huldrejenta September 18 2012, 10:20:48 UTC
Since I discovered Harry Potter rather late, fanfic later, and GOOD fanfic even later still, I'm also a bit late on commenting.
But here it goes - I'm so impressed with how much you describe and convey in such a short drabble. Love Lily, but my heart really goes out to Snape here. Can't help but feel very sorry for him, caught between wanting to fit in with young Lucius and his crowd and what is expected of him, and being there for his friend Lily. I want to comfort him and encourage him to do what he knows is right... But it's not that easy for a troubled 11-year-old...
Really nice work!


huldrejenta September 18 2012, 10:50:02 UTC
(And I'm sorry I pushed "reply" in stead of "have your say", but when I tried the latter, my comment just disappeared.)


shimotsuki September 24 2012, 03:42:41 UTC
Aw, thanks! I started sympathizing with Snape in HBP (I figured the things he said to Harry when he was fleeing at the end were a hint that things weren't what they seemed) and came to appreciate him even more in DH. He made some very bad choices, but a lot of things happened to him that he didn't deserve.

(No comment is ever "late" -- always very much appreciated. :) Sometimes my replies might be a little late, as well.)


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