Drabble meme

Mar 08, 2011 17:21

This may be a really bad idea, given my progress so far on my list, but I haven't tried drabbling in a while, and it's so much fun. Plus, this week is Spring Break, dangit. So.

Meme borrowed from mrstater and chococoffeekiss, in honor of International Women's Day:
Name a woman in one of my fandoms and I will attempt a drabble about her.I guess "my fandoms" would be ( Read more... )

memes, drabbles

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chococoffeekiss March 8 2011, 22:51:35 UTC
Luna Lovegood? :)


shimotsuki March 8 2011, 23:26:57 UTC
Ooh, I don't think I've ever written Luna!

They slammed the door and left her alone in the dark.

“I’m somewhere,” she said. “That’s better than nowhere.”

“Who’s that?” came a thread of a voice.

Not alone, then. She pondered. “Should I tell you?”

“You have nothing to fear from me,” said the voice. “I can hardly move.” It paused. “I’m Ollivander.”

“Mr. Ollivander, the wandmaker?” She began to feel her way toward him. “I’m Luna Lovegood.”

“Unicorn hair,” he said weakly. “Hawthorn.”

“That’s right.” Luna sat down beside the voice. “Nine inches. Rather springy.”


gilpin25 March 9 2011, 11:10:09 UTC
This is a writing match that has obviously been waiting to happen! I really like “I’m somewhere,” she said. “That’s better than nowhere” and Rather springy."


shimotsuki March 9 2011, 16:01:04 UTC
Aw, thanks. Luna has this odd way of making sense when you're not expecting her to, plus she never gives up hope, so that's what I was trying for.

*needs Ravenclaw icon*


chococoffeekiss March 10 2011, 20:51:05 UTC
Wonderful!!! I love how 'somewhere' is better than 'nowhere.' That is Luna through and through! And Mr Ollivander's reaction is just perfect. :)


shimotsuki March 10 2011, 22:13:27 UTC
Oh, I'm glad you thought this worked! Thanks. :)


mrstater March 10 2011, 22:22:23 UTC
LOL Of course Luna takes this all in stride! And she would have a springy wand. I'll bet she was a comforting (if not rather confusing) presence for Ollivander.


shimotsuki March 10 2011, 23:37:36 UTC
Either she takes it all in stride, or she refuses to give up -- or maybe they're the same thing!

It sounds like Luna was really looking after Ollivander by the time Harry found them. I can definitely see her wanting to help.


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