Drabble meme

Mar 08, 2011 17:21

This may be a really bad idea, given my progress so far on my list, but I haven't tried drabbling in a while, and it's so much fun. Plus, this week is Spring Break, dangit. So.

Meme borrowed from mrstater and chococoffeekiss, in honor of International Women's Day:
Name a woman in one of my fandoms and I will attempt a drabble about her.

I guess "my fandoms" would be:
  • Harry Potter
  • Chalion
  • Vorkosigan
  • The Thief
  • Earthsea
  • Trixie Belden?? (lol)
Or if there's something else you think you can make me write, suggestions are welcome!


memes, drabbles

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