Happy birthday!

Feb 13, 2009 12:26

Here's wishing a most excellent -- not to mention very lucky -- birthday today to tegdoh! This is a very short little something that I hope will give you a bit of a smile in the middle of your busy day.

Suspicious Activities
(332 words | G | Marauder-era)

Minerva strode into the Transfiguration classroom... )

drabbles, birthdays, genfic, marauder_era

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Comments 22

anonymous February 13 2009, 20:17:26 UTC
Aw, how sweet! I'd always thought that Minerva had a special relationship with James, Sirius, Remus, and even Peter. It's nice to see the marauders step slightly out of character, however, they were still very sneaky.

I enjoyed this one. What a great way to come home after a hard week at school, and am upcoming vacation to enjoy, eh?

You just made my day. Who said Friday the thirteenth is bad luck? ;)

I'm even the first one to comment!

Thanks, and keep writing!


shimotsuki February 13 2009, 22:53:34 UTC
Thanks -- glad you enjoyed!

I like the idea that the Marauders conspicuously not pranking anyone made McGonagall more nervous than a prank would have done. ...I think the boys even did that on purpose. ;)


duck_or_rabbit February 13 2009, 22:37:13 UTC

Minerva's patience is sea deep.

Four heads dashed past the door-two black, one brown, one tow-colored.

Dashing heads is a pleasure-filled description. I see their shining crowns, lol.


shimotsuki February 13 2009, 22:55:21 UTC
Ugh, I did think that phrasing was a little odd (and now I see there's another 'head' in the same paragraph, ick) -- but I was imagining black robes in a dim corridor, and thinking it was the faces/heads that would stand out the most (heads here, because they are running away). Oh, well!

I do like McGonagall. I'm glad she made it out of DH intact.


duck_or_rabbit February 13 2009, 23:07:21 UTC
(and now I see there's another 'head' in the same paragraph, ick)

ROFL, Hadn't noticed the extra head actually.

I was imagining black robes in a dim corridor, and thinking it was the faces/heads that would stand out the most

Youthful hair has a distinct luster, greedily catching and throwing any available light, and that's what I saw.


shimotsuki February 13 2009, 23:53:26 UTC
a distinct luster, greedily catching and throwing any available light

Trust you to have gorgeous, image-filled language even in a comment! (And I'm glad that's what you saw.)


hrymfaxe February 13 2009, 22:43:50 UTC
Somehow I think that a pranks-free class was a more mischiveous thing than any the boys could have thought up. Poor Minreva, but she is made of strong stuff, and has her reward at the end.

Thanks for sharing the gift!


shimotsuki February 13 2009, 22:56:20 UTC
Somehow I think that a pranks-free class was a more mischiveous thing than any the boys could have thought up.

Hee hee -- I think you're probably right! :) Thanks for reading.


zia_montrose February 13 2009, 23:28:49 UTC
What an aptly named snippet! And much more fun than the project I've been cudgelling myself to work on this Friday afternoon. : )

I really like Minerva's blackboard check and bulging-robe check...  She feels perfectly in-character and I can't help but admire her.  But now you've got me helplessly imagining the conversation that led up to this, so maybe I'll share it:

"Did you know it's McGonogall's birthday tomorrow?"

"McGonagall's birthday? What should we do?" James's eyes widened at the many prospects.

"More like what shouldn't we do," corrected Remus.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... don't you think she'd be far more suspicious if--if--" He could no longer keep a straight face as his mates looked on from across the dormitory, waiting... He stifled a private snigger.

"We act like perfect little angels?" Sirius guessed, then grabbed his ribs to stifle his own emerging laughter.

"Wow, now this has possibilities!" declared James.

Thanks for that!  :  )


shimotsuki February 13 2009, 23:49:43 UTC
And thank you for the prequel! *snort* Ah, those Marauders.

It would be fun to write more McGonagall. I'll have to see if I can work on that...

ETA: I put a link to your comment in the main post so everyone will be sure to find your prequel. :)


zia_montrose February 14 2009, 00:03:34 UTC
Aw, thanks for showcasing me. It's hard to know whether it's a good idea to 'graffiti' someone else's page, but I thought you might appreciate Moony's masterminding.

And just to let you know, I too, liked the line about the 'heads'. It struck me as subtle and economically-phrased and it felt like the way the mind would see it. : )


shimotsuki February 14 2009, 00:43:09 UTC
Graffiti welcome on this journal! :) And glad to know you thought the 'heads' were okay...


sspring92 February 14 2009, 04:58:51 UTC

i love flist Birthdays! I can just picture the smile and maybe a little ::sniff:: from McGonagall.! I would have loved to have her for a teacher


shimotsuki February 14 2009, 05:14:24 UTC
Yeah, I really like McGonagall. I like to think she had a soft spot for the Marauders, even though she would've tried not to let on.


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