Happy birthday!

Dec 07, 2008 20:42

Here's wishing the happiest of happy birthdays to duck_or_rabbit! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you, and it definitely feels like I've known you a lot longer than I actually have. Your insightful, quirky comments add so much to any discussion. I love the vivid and original language in your writing, and I always enjoy your take on Sirius, Regulus, and Sirius ( Read more... )

drabbles, birthdays, genfic, marauder_era

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Comments 12

duck_or_rabbit December 8 2008, 05:12:05 UTC
I wanted to stop by before bed to say that the companionable feeling is absolutely mutual. You are one of the few people I've met who has taken note of my 'language game' theme and don't think I'm insane for being fascinated by language - it's bewitched us both. And I crave more philosopher of language jokes from you because that's the kind of humor I understand, lol.

Thank you for your compliments - they matter to me. Lots.

Be back tomorrow with commentary on Sirius ...


shimotsuki December 8 2008, 17:25:48 UTC
Be careful asking for more language jokes, because you just might get some! ;)


duck_or_rabbit December 8 2008, 23:45:20 UTC
Oh, thank you for this. It conveys clearly what attracts me to Sirius' sorting into Gryffindor and the origins of his family's unfulfilled expectations. This is a multilayered 200 words that got me wondering which comes first: Sirius winding up Mum, or Mum winding up Sirius? He looks for trouble, strikes out by any means necessary, and so, isn't Sirius rather Slythernish after all? Your writing causes me to ponder.

I read a lot of Marauder fic, and this is one of the best lines I've read expressing the intensity of the Hat's decision:

“How’s it feel not to be in Slytherin, then?” Potter’s tone was conversational, as if his words hadn’t just sent hundreds of years of Black family tradition spinning into dust.Sirius reacts like an eleven year old boy who knows that's an understatement but he doesn't have the proper words to reply appropriately, anyway. So he picks a mild declaration of independence, something that may enthuse Potter in return ( ... )


shimotsuki December 9 2008, 04:15:42 UTC
Oh, whew, I'm so glad this fits your idea of young Sirius! One thing about the Snape-memories chapter in DH is we do get to see that James and Sirius were already friendly on the train (ruling out the sullen-Slytherin-wannabe scenario for Sirius that used to be an option). But I'm not sure if he would have been a full-bore rebel against his family's ideals already at 11, since he probably wouldn't have been exposed to many other viewpoints yet. So I thought I'd play it as having him just want to rebel, as a knee-jerk reflex, and only later will he come to understand there are things about his family that truly deserve to be renounced.

Sorry, that blather was probably longer than the drabble, heh. But anyway, I was a little worried as to whether this would work for you as an attitude for Sirius to have, so I'm relieved to hear it's okay!

And Remus, lol, little Remus is always my favorite

LOL. I had to slip him in there, of course!

Got another joke? Not yet. But I have a three-hour exam to proctor tomorrow during which I can ( ... )


zia_montrose December 9 2008, 21:37:38 UTC
Fun snippet. I love the dialog: "How's it feel not to be in Slytherin, then?... I think I'll manage."

The whole thing gave me that sense of when you go off to college and start serrendipitously meeting those who will become best friends: You act casual, though you're really quite excited. ; ) And I do appreciate how you can write half a sentence about Remus and it feels spot on.

I've been meaning to leave a review for your first chapter of All Will be in Order, which I found delightful the other day.


shimotsuki December 9 2008, 23:12:40 UTC
Thanks for the comment! I had fun with this -- my new theory is that Sirius started out just rebelling for rebellion's sake, and only later realized that he did in fact deeply disagree with his family's principles. And I'm glad you like the little Remus cameo, hee; I couldn't visit the dormitory without a little peek in his direction.

And thanks for the kind words about Order, too. :)


anonymous December 10 2008, 00:32:31 UTC
I like it. Clever and fun.

I hope you can write more soon.

Same ole Sirius, just the way we love him. And of course every ones favorite werewolf too.:)


shimotsuki December 10 2008, 03:51:53 UTC
Thank you! :) Writing this got me thinking about just how Sirius would have come to break away from his family in, you know, not hating Muggle-borns.


gilpin25 December 10 2008, 09:19:35 UTC
I think you've got a perfect boy's teenage voice, and especially a perfect Sirius voice here - rebellion, just "For the Sport of It" at this stage, indeed. I also like the faint hint of surprise (almost slight condecension?;)) in But the thing was, Potter had turned out to be all right, and the sense of excitement and planning for the future as friends with similar thinking.

And, of course, I love Remus, looking on and wanting to be part of it all and them. See, just half a sentence, and I want to hug your Remus as usual. ;)


shimotsuki December 11 2008, 05:45:44 UTC
I had to make a huge effort not to up this to 300 words just so I could have more Remus in there. ;)

Thanks for the feedback on the voice. It was fun trying to imagine how a pre-Hogwarts Sirius would likely view the world. I've always kind of wanted to write a Marauders'-first-day fic, not that that's been overdone or anything. ;)


gilpin25 January 20 2009, 23:56:52 UTC
Man, I'm kinda late reading this. Oh, well, better now, than never, eh?

Very nice short-story. I love the Marauders, especially Sirius.

But, I'm also a big fan of Remus as well.

Who am I kidding? I love them both. And you captured their personalities very well here.

Can't wait to read more.

When are you planning on getting up some new stuff? I looked on your story-stash and you don't have anything new up since January 10th. Take your time if you must, I don't mean to sound impatient, but I do enjoy your stories!:)


shimotsuki January 21 2009, 03:03:04 UTC
Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you liked Sirius here (and Remus's little moment too), and thought their personalities were captured.

Thanks for the encouragement, also. I'm happy to hear you're looking forward to more stories! I've been very busy with my job lately (not to mention recovering from the holidays), and reading/reviewing all the great new stories posted at metamorfic_moon, so there hasn't been much time for writing. I'm working on the next chapter of "All Will Be In Order" and a Remus/Tonks story. I'll probably have one of them finished by the end of the month...I hope.


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