[Ficlet] The Hardest Word

Aug 18, 2015 20:57

Thanks to huldrejenta, I found out just in time about a commentfest for Dog Days of Summer 2015 at sirius_black (naughty Sirius -- the commentfest post image is rather NSFW if you click through).

Title: The Hardest Word (216 words | PG/mild profanity | Marauder era)
Prompt: "a subtle apology", optional R/S
Notes: In my head, this is genfic, but it could certainly be R ( Read more... )

ficlets, genfic, marauder_era, stories

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Comments 8

backstgartist August 19 2015, 01:07:01 UTC
Tear my heart out! :O
This is a gorgeous little snippit. Damn that Sirius!


shimotsuki August 19 2015, 02:20:51 UTC
Aw, thanks!

Yeah -- I imagine young Sirius has basically no experience with (sincere) apologies at all, and this really really important one is not an easy place to start. :/


merryb87 August 19 2015, 01:27:51 UTC
Oh so good to see your writing here! But that was sad little story and a moment you captured really well. Always a fan of yours.


shimotsuki August 19 2015, 02:22:34 UTC
Thanks so much for the kind words!

I've been working hard on the next Kaleidoscope chapter, but with my job being really busy and all it's been taking, literally, months. I hope to be able to post it before much longer, though.


starfishstar August 20 2015, 12:28:48 UTC
Oh, I love it! Yes, yes. That's so very Sirius.


shimotsuki August 22 2015, 03:48:36 UTC
Ha -- glad you thought so! And thanks. :)


gilpin25 August 20 2015, 17:28:13 UTC
Oh, nice! :) I like the opening sentence and Sirius' internal struggle and guilt; it's easy to imagine young Remus having already perfected the art of not looking at someone who matters a great deal to him.

And that 'even Peter' is wonderfully cutting. Ouch!


shimotsuki August 22 2015, 03:52:14 UTC
As utterly stupid as The Prank was, I really do see Sirius as setting it up because he was hotheaded and arrogant, and only realizing afterward what an utterly horrific situation he had put Remus in. And then, I can see him having no idea whatsoever how to go about making amends. (This might need a sequel someday.)

And that 'even Peter' is wonderfully cutting. Ouch!

Oh, interesting! I like your take on that. I was actually thinking more along the lines of, even Peter was appalled enough to risk standing up (just a little bit) to the Sirius he usually idolized.


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