[Drabble] Morning Snow

Dec 24, 2007 13:30

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it! I hope everyone is having a warm and peaceful holiday -- or a busy frenetic one, if that's your preference...

I'm not making a whole lot of progress on my Meta fic, but last night was a full moon, so I decided to take a stab at an AU drabble set in the present. (The web informs me that temperatures are too high in the UK today for snow, but I've taken a pinch of artistic license.)

Morning Snow (100 words | G | RL/NT | AU, 2007)

Remus felt a gentle kiss brush his forehead before Dora tucked the duvet around him and tiptoed out of the room. Sleep washed over him in a warm soft wave, easing the ache of strained muscles and twisted bones-until one eye opened again at the sound of nine-year-old feet pounding down the stairs. He found the bedroom filled with the diffuse white light of a snowy morning.

"Mum! Gran! Look! It's snowing! On Christmas Eve!"

"Hush, Teddy," came Andromeda’s voice automatically. "You'll wake your father."

Remus smiled and burrowed deeper into the soft pillows. He would never mind that.

"Warp and Weft" series index

warp_and_weft, drabbles, au, remus/tonks

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