[Warp and Weft ficlet] Family

Mar 10, 2015 02:26

It's time for the annual tradition: A fluffy post-war AU denial-fic, in honor of Remus's birthday. Warning: Lots of fluff ahead. (We can blame this in part on the fact that I'm writing very angsty Kaleidoscope chapters these days...HBP year was just awful for all concerned.)

This is a stand-alone story, but it's part of the Warp and Weft AU ( Read more... )

warp_and_weft, ficlets, au, remus/tonks

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Comments 10

carnivalgirl March 10 2015, 08:18:40 UTC
Oh, this has made my morning! I love the image of the lively house (and Percy convinced he's in charge somehow, lol) and I really liked the theme of the story. It's a little heart-rending to see that Remus is still so insecure - hard to break the habit of a lifetime I suppose. But at least he was won round. And Tonks is still great. :)


shimotsuki March 10 2015, 14:26:54 UTC
Hi, nice to see you! And thanks so much for reading. :) I'm glad you liked this.

I sort of wanted to show here that Remus's insecurity is more of a reflex than a reality these days -- the whole party scene was meant to show that he's just as much a part of the extended Weasley family as anyone, and while he is initially shocked at Harry's request, he also gives in pretty much immediately. ;)


huldrejenta March 10 2015, 21:57:26 UTC
Aww, my heart! What a wonderful thing to see on my f-list on Remus' birthday ♥ Well, it would be wonderful any day, of course ;)

I, for one, think there can never be enough denial AUs. This story gives me such a warm feeling, and I absolutely love the idea of a Potter/Weasley/Lupin extended family.

Ginny is amazing here - she seems so warm, yet fierce, and she might just be my favourite character in this story :)

“Besides,” said Ginny, with a grin that turned impish. “I love Fleur, I honestly do, but Tonks-I’d so much rather have you as a role model for my daughter.”

This made me laugh out loud!

And this: “Hello, Lily Luna,” he murmured, again. “Welcome to the family.”

How wonderful that Remus sees himself as a part of that family, it's been a long way for him. Lovely, lovely ending!


shimotsuki March 12 2015, 03:35:03 UTC
Thanks so much for the kind comments! I'm glad you like this version of Ginny. I love her as a canon character; I should probably try to write her more...

Writing happy AU fic is completely addictive. It's the perfect anecdote to HBP. ;P


starfishstar March 10 2015, 22:59:56 UTC
AWWW. I did guess what twist was coming, but that didn't stop it wringing a tear of bittersweet AU gladness from me. Lovely. And I will always adore a big, warm, chaotic happy-Weasley-Potter-family party scene. That whole section brimmed with love and good cheer, and could have gone on as long as you cared to keep writing, as far as I'm concerned!

And happy Remus' birthday to you. :-)


shimotsuki March 12 2015, 03:37:30 UTC
Yeah, this wasn't exactly a subtle plot twist, but I've had the idea for a while and finally just had to write the fic!

Glad you liked the chaotic and happy party. I fear my AU catalog is about 90% pure fluff (oops), but it really is fun to imagine warm and happy futures for all these characters.

Thanks ao much for reading!


sspring92 March 11 2015, 04:50:16 UTC
SO fuzzy! It has been kind of a crappy day for me, and this certainly brightened it! Thanks for posting!


shimotsuki March 12 2015, 03:38:42 UTC
Aw, I'm sorry it's been a crappy day! Glad this could cheer you up a little. Happy AU future-fic is a big pick-me-up for me, too...

Thanks for reading! :)


gilpin25 March 14 2015, 22:47:05 UTC
One of my favourite annual traditions! I always seem to grin throughout one of your warp_and_weft fics; the extended family and friend get-together is just right (love Luna taking care of something invisible), and so is Remus, still not ever taking for granted that he's a big part of it. Ginny's line about Fleur and Tonks is great, and I'd really like a Frittleflower on my desk, ringing its bells at me!

Thanks so much for this. Same time next year, I hope! :D


shimotsuki March 16 2015, 02:13:36 UTC
Aw, thanks for the kind words. There's a sense in which too much fluff can certainly get monotonous, but these little pieces are fun to write one at a time in any case. And these really do seem to happen when I'm writing something else that's all angsty!

I really like the thought of a big, loud, happy, Weasley-Potter clan. Which Teddy -- and Remus and Tonks, thank you very much -- are entirely a part of.


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