[Kaleidoscope update] Colours Under the Moon

Dec 04, 2013 00:59

This busy fall has not been conducive to fic-writing, sadly. But the long Thanksgiving weekend finally gave me a chance to finish the Kaleidoscope chapter I started at the end of the summer. This one takes place near the beginning of HBP, right after Now Wait for the Tide to TurnThis chapter actually involved an interesting coincidence of timing ( Read more... )

remus/tonks, kaleidoscope, hbp, stories

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Comments 18

huldrejenta December 4 2013, 14:53:09 UTC
I am crying now, and I never cry when I read fics. But - oh my, I don't even have the words for what I feel right now. What a fabulous job you've done!
Will be back with more comments later, but I'm going away for a few days and couldn't leave without saying how much I love this!


shimotsuki December 4 2013, 16:43:02 UTC
Aww! I'm partly delighted that you found this moving, and partly sorry that I made this so angsty, heh. But I do think there would have to be some very good reasons for Tonks to lose her morphing abilities -- I really don't think it's only because Remus won't agree to a relationship -- so she needed to have some things to get good and worried about. Hence the heavy angst.

The next chapter will be better at humor, I promise. ;) There will be some Weasley antics in between scenes of only mild angst!

(I hope you have a good trip, and thanks so much for reading!)


huldrejenta December 10 2013, 22:38:38 UTC
I do think there would have to be some very good reasons for Tonks to lose her morphing abilities -- I really don't think it's only because Remus won't agree to a relationship

Absolutely. It doesn't quite seem to be how Tonks would react to such a refusal. And Remus has kept her at arms length for some time already - it isn't until the summer where Remus' mission begins/is settled that this happens to her. (I've read so much fanfic that I sometimes get confused as to what is canon, but do we know for a fact that she is unable to morph, or is it possible that everything that's happening around her makes her not want to do it or not have the energy and joy to do it?)
The fact that Tonks usually is so vivid and colourful - quite literally - makes her reactions all the more obvious in HBP, but looking at what she is facing - dealing with dementors in addition to knowing what Remus has to go through with - I'd be more surprised if she remained her usual self during this year.
Which makes it even worse to me when Tonks is portrayed as week ( ... )


shimotsuki December 11 2013, 04:45:19 UTC
And Remus has kept her at arms length for some time already

Ah, interesting point. That's certainly true in the Pottermore bio (and definitely helps make the argument that canon Tonks is not weak or moping). In Kaleidoscope, though, Remus's distance is actually a recent development -- up until about a week before this chapter, they'd been growing closer and closer; Remus didn't start pulling away until he finally figured out that he was in love with Tonks and that she loved him too (this happens later for me than in the Pottermore scenario).

do we know for a fact that she is unable to morph, or is it possible that everything that's happening around her makes her not want to do it or not have the energy and joy to do it?I'm too lazy to go look this up in HBP, heh, but as I recall, that first morning at the Burrow, other characters (Ron/Hermione/Ginny) tell Harry that Tonks is having trouble with her Metamorphosing (I think it's never actually called "morphing" in canon!). So the possibility surely exists that the ones who tell ( ... )


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shimotsuki December 7 2013, 04:08:49 UTC
You do know how to make my day! I worked hard on the pacing in this one. :) And I'm really glad to hear it did come out feeling suspenseful...

In my head, Remus won't let Tonks touch him only because he doesn't trust himself to be able to stop if he starts. Until he needs support so much that he has to give in, for a moment.

Both assignments are horrible.

Yes, they are. :/ It doesn't come out much in this Remus-centric story, but I have a lot of Snape-sympathy, for all that he can be so nasty. (There's a Snape scene planned for the next chapter...) It's incredible how much Dumbledore piled on the man.

!! I am intrigued by the many names he calls her over the course of their relationship, because there are three (that we know of!) and they all have slightly different contexts/connotations.Agreed! I had to make a decision about what to call Tonks in scenes where Remus is the POV character, because I wanted it to be the name he calls her in his thoughts. I've finally decided that at first, he thinks of her as Tonks because ( ... )


starfishstar December 5 2013, 14:56:50 UTC
I'd never thought of the idea of Remus not finding out until *during* canon that Greyback was the one who bit him, but I really like how you've written this. Very chilling and very believable ( ... )


starfishstar December 5 2013, 15:14:37 UTC
p.s. "colours under the moon" because 1) the literal fact that in moonlight we can see only black and white, not color + 2) the metaphorical sense of, how can Tonks remain happy and colorful, knowing what Remus is now going to have to go through every full moon?

That's what I've got so far...


shimotsuki December 7 2013, 04:13:20 UTC
Points to you! :) I was thinking exactly (1), and a metaphorical extension along the lines of (2) -- or even more broadly, that Tonks can't be her formerly cheery self when faced with all the implications of Remus's lycanthropy (in particular, the decisions it causes him to make).


shimotsuki December 7 2013, 04:27:22 UTC
Thanks so much for reading! I appreciate the kind words.

I'd never thought of the idea of Remus not finding out until *during* canon that Greyback was the one who bit him

I don't mean to imply I think it had to happen this way -- Remus could indeed have known already. But I think this approach is also compatible with canon, and frankly one reason I went with this interpretation is that I hadn't seen anyone write this particular idea before!

And that Tonks loses her ability to morph over this, the danger to Remus, rather than just out of sadness

Yes! I'm going to explore this more in the next chapter, but I think this is really important. I think it's her intense worry about Remus's physical and mental well-being on his mission, plus dealing with losing Sirius, and being on anti-dementor patrol in Hogsmeade all the time -- it's no wonder she can't morph.

not letting her become a weak figure who mopes for an entire year just because some guy rejected herYes again! I think Tonks would have been sad if Remus hadn't loved her ( ... )


jobey_in_error December 7 2013, 17:48:14 UTC
Really nifty idea for Remus to find out during canon -- and with Tonks is even better. All admiration here. Echoing what stereolight said so well about the pacing. Well, what stereolight said so well about everything. Well done!

I don't think I see the title trick, I'm afraid.


shimotsuki December 9 2013, 00:07:01 UTC
Thanks for the kind comments!

I had to admit that I was, um, disproportionately excited to have thought of a canon-related plot point that I hadn't seen done anywhere yet, heh.

As for the title, starfishstar got it; the point is that there aren't any colors under the moon. But titles like "No Colours Under the Moon" or "Under the Moon, All Colours are Lost" just didn't do it for me. Any ideas how to make this less dangerously subtle while not actually sounding stupid are welcome. :/


jobey_in_error December 10 2013, 14:30:40 UTC
I had to admit that I was, um, disproportionately excited to have thought of a canon-related plot point that I hadn't seen done anywhere yet, heh.

I hear and respect that.

the point is that there aren't any colors under the moon

Oh... OH.

Nah, I think you have the right mix of subtlety and message. I think I was just sleep-deprived. It seems really obvious now. ;)


shimotsuki December 11 2013, 04:52:34 UTC
I think I was just sleep-deprived. It seems really obvious now. ;)

LOL -- I still think it might be a little too subtle. But it's growing on me and making me less likely to change it...


solochan December 8 2013, 14:31:16 UTC
There are so many things I love about this fic, as always with your work. You capture Remus and Tonks so beautifully in character. I particularly love the way Tonks starts to struggle with her hair - and finally not work anymore.

That and I love the sudden panic as he realises Greyback was the one who bit him all those years ago. It reminds me of the panic when he learns Dumbledore is dead. Very wonderful, very well written and very sad.

Thank you for such wonderful words :)


shimotsuki December 9 2013, 01:41:47 UTC
Thank you for such a kind comment!

It's taken me a while to think through how I wanted to write Tonks losing her ability to morph, and then when I had the idea about Remus still not knowing his history with Greyback, this more or less came together.


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