[Kaleidoscope revision] Colours | 6. The Things We Remember

Jun 18, 2013 21:54

Chapter 6 of Colours (the first "book" of Kaleidoscope) has been revised and is now up at FanFiction.net.

Kaleidoscope (I): Colours
6. The Things We Remember (4705 words | PG)
   [also on FF.N] [ old LJ version at metamorfic_moonSometimes, the hardest thing about Christmas is not the giving, but the receiving. Still, a carefully chosen Muggle gift just might ( Read more... )

revision, remus/tonks, kaleidoscope, stories

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Comments 6

gilpin25 June 25 2013, 16:27:23 UTC
I've always had a soft spot for this story of yours, probably because the Christmas present exchange is a hard one to pull off various reasons. Mostly Remus-shaped ones. ;) Tonks is a delight here; a young girl who has the maturity to understand what he needs and finds a way to deliver it. Even better that her own gift does the same for her.

I like the new ending, too. More concise, but the 'smile that turned him young again' and 'soft wonder' say as much as the older version, if not more. :)


shimotsuki June 29 2013, 21:30:59 UTC
The new ending is more concise -- and less hopelessly sappy? ;) That original ending really was one of those "ack, they'll be closing the posting any minute now" casualties. (Good thing I'd decided early on to use my carol prompt for the title, or this probably would have been cursed with one of my super-obvious one-word titles, like "Gifts", lol.)

Glad you did like the new ending, and I'm honored and a little embarrassed to think that you've been back for a reread, heh. Thanks, as always, for the bolstering words of encouragement! ♥


gilpin25 June 29 2013, 22:55:12 UTC
I'm loving reading them all once more; it's like a long-followed series being revisited and enjoyed all over again. :)

Thank you for something sporadic, btw. I am most impressed with the speed of owls these days, though there's a tale attached as I had to bring the card home with us to send from here on Monday as the post offices of Yorkshire were hit by a day of industrial action. You just can't get the staff owls some times. ;)


shimotsuki July 1 2013, 00:15:50 UTC
Now, of course, I'm picturing a roomful of owls with placards in their beaks, picketing!


anonymous October 18 2017, 19:35:42 UTC
I can't find words to describe how much I enjoyed this chapter. Even my knowledge of english won't help here. This is just amazing, when she opened his present I was so eager , as if this was my present.


anonymous October 18 2017, 20:34:10 UTC
I can't find words to describe how much I enjoyed this chapter. Even my knowledge of english won't help here. This is just amazing, when she opened his present I was so eager , as if this was my present.


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