Well, today was fun. Played Harvest Moon some more, jumped on FFXI for a few, worked on a few things, and saw star wars. It was an amusing movie. A couple things bothered me, but ah well, I get let it get to me, ne
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I actually lasted through afterprom. I didn't think I had the stamina for it, I came through quite awake, even more so than some of my friends :x eeparu! I'm going to go to bed now before my dad wakes up >.> I think he'd be sorta upset to see me strolling in now, since I told them I'd be back two and a half ours ago. Well, I didn't think I'd have
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My parents gave in on the thing with Anti-prom, so it will indeed be held at my home. All those going to prom as well are welcome to come join the crazyness. There will be food, games, and sugar available (mostly in the form of pixy stix) The goodness runs from 8:00PM till 12:00PM (or whenever most of us go to afterprom) So yeah. If you need
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but I want to thank you Kreg, even if you don't read livejournal, I want to thank you. You have helped me more than you could ever know, and I truly am thankful for it.
Apparently since I've been coughing so much, I've strained/pulled muscles around my upper stomach and under mah ribs/diaphram area. Great :D Shima gains +1 to self injury! Booyah!
Edit: Foreapology to Kat-Sorry, but this morning I gotta call you. :x I know you prolly stayed up late, but 'tis necessary myao.
It was nice to stay home to recouperate some, as I've been through some bad coughing fits today. Nothin' too serious, just sometimes will leave one gasping. Hope I don't disturb people too bad during SOLs ; ; Aww.. I'll prolly have to guzzle water like a fiend throughout the day to keep from being too loud, and mostly likely upset others for
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