
Mar 16, 2008 11:56

Watched Juno yesterday.

To be honest, I wasn't excepting to like it. I thought it'd be one of those pro-life dramas with a little angst to the side.

Turns out it wasn't.

Turns out I loved it.


I mean, they handled it so well! I was impressed. And the characters! Oh, I loved every one of them. Ellen Page was fucking amazing. As were the dialogues. ( Read more... )

juno, movies, soundtrack

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Comments 21

glacier2501 March 16 2008, 12:36:21 UTC
Juno? You mean Juno, the girl who is pregnant by her boyfriend and thinking about giving her baby to an eccentric couple?

I've seen the trailer and I hope I can watch it, soon. The movie rotation in my place is a bit slow. I even haven't watch The Golden Compass and I Am Legend because the movie censor department (a government one) is sooo slow. I can't watch those from internet either (the bandwidth is killing me). so i think your area is quick to show latest movies?

recommend me great movies, please. I'm bored here.


shikatemalove March 16 2008, 12:48:23 UTC
Movies tend to come here a few months after they hit America.

I actually watch the movie in my computer though. crazy4t downloads movies from god knows where and burns them on a dvd for me. ^^

The last movie I saw was Atonement, which was nice but depressing. Other than that, my favorite movies include Amelie, Chicago, PotC, Finding Nemo, Corpse Bride... uh, I can't of anything else right now. ^^; Hope that's enough for now.


glacier2501 March 17 2008, 06:09:48 UTC
Months...I envy you.. Here takes *years*!

I've seen the trailer of Atonement but I have a thought that this is not an onterseting movie. At the beginning perhaps it will be interesting but after that it's going to be...mediocre. But i don't know so I think I'm gonna watch it in the end.

PoTC...5 times
Finding Nemo...long time ago
Corpse Bride...*funny*

And sorry that's not enough T_T (totally desperate about how things going too slow in here) but thanks :)


shikatemalove March 17 2008, 12:03:21 UTC
Years?! O_O Holy shit. I don't blame you for being desperate. (Where do you live anyway? If you don't mind telling me, that is.)

Yeah, it was exactly like that in Atonement. I loved the beginning, but the rest was kinda boring, and the ending was depressing. XP The only reason I consider it a nice enough movie is because of the soundtrack.

I honestly can't thibk of anything now, and I don't have much time, but next time I go to the videoclub I'll take a notepad with me and write down some good movies for you. :P


crazy4t March 16 2008, 13:14:55 UTC
Haha! See? I download some interesting movies..."from god knows where"?
By the way, I finished "Atonement" yesterday. I didn't like it that much. I prefered the beginning but...


shikatemalove March 16 2008, 14:52:37 UTC
Yeah, I know. I loved the beginning but the rest was kinda meh. :/

Where do you download them from? Ellinadiko?


crazy4t March 16 2008, 16:18:47 UTC
Of course! Wasn't it obvious? God, I thought you were smart. :P


shikatemalove March 16 2008, 16:20:45 UTC


nicky2007 March 16 2008, 14:34:09 UTC
I loved Juno as well. I thought I wouldn't but the acting was good so was the plot.


lovegoododdity March 16 2008, 14:35:20 UTC
It's amazing, isn't it?

And the soundtrack owns.


shikatemalove March 16 2008, 15:18:45 UTC
Yes and yes. :D

I was seriously thinking of buying the soundtrack, but I ended up downloading it instead. XP I'm so cheap.


xbluedawn March 16 2008, 23:32:04 UTC
Wow, you don't know how many movie I want to, but haven't seen. (I have like sixty films and Juno is one of them.)

I haven't seen any of Ellen Paige's movies but I think she's a wonderful actress. It was too bad that she didn't win the Oscar though.


xbluedawn March 16 2008, 23:33:05 UTC
Oh shoot, I spelt "Page" wrong. Sorry for the double post, I'm a perfectionist.


shikatemalove March 17 2008, 11:57:38 UTC
Sixty films? I mean, I have movies I want to see too, but sixty? Wow. XP Do you write them down or something?

That was the first I saw of Ellen Page and I gotta say I was really really impressed. She deserved that Oscar!

Don't worry about the double post. I do it all the time too. Sometimes I can't even go to sleep when I know I've made I typo somewhere and didn't correct it.


xbluedawn March 17 2008, 18:42:44 UTC
Yes, sixty. I'm too lazy to go to the theatres and too lazy to rent a movie. I write the movies all down so I could cross them off as a checklist. Ha ha.

Apparently Ellen starred in a X-Men movie but Juno is the first time she starred in a notable lead role. And yes, she deserved that Oscar. I thought she was going to win it!


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