FIC: Tragic Love Story (rarepair_shorts Prompt Table for Colin/Romilda)

Oct 03, 2008 22:58

Title: Tragic Love Story
Author: shiiki
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Colin Creevey/Romilda Vane
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 8,737, 13 chapters

Summary: 13 ficlets tell the tale of Colin and Romilda's doomed romance through Deathly Hallows.

Notes: Here's how it goes - 13 ficlets/drabbles for my rarepair, prompts as follows:

HP Rare-Pair Challenge
Author: shiiki
Pairing: Colin/Romilda
Progress: 13/13 - COMPLETE!#PromptFic1never really existed Existed                                                                                 2to run great risk Worth the Risk3misnomer New Experiences4for what it's worth A Hero to Fight With5that's what almost happened Close Shave6raspberries Through a Photograph7family history Family History8folly Standing Up9pining for normalcy Out of the Ordinary10the same experience for you How It Feels11some people stay Some People Stay12severe repercussions The Real Thing13diagnosis Scars

fic_length: [chaptered], 2009!fic, fic_character: [colin creevey], 2008!fic, fic_fandom: [harry potter], fic_character: [romilda vane], fic_pairing: [colin/romilda]

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