Oct 09, 2007 21:19

OH MY GOD I think my head just exploded. I just got a comment from malnpudl which prompted me to go double-check if we have any last minute guests for Armageddon announced at the moment ( and there are. And now I'm torn between glee and fear that one of them will cancel. )

pub quiz, stargate, sg1, touch wood, armageddon, sga

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Comments 14

malnpudl October 9 2007, 08:23:00 UTC
*squeals with glee on your behalf*

AWESOME! \o/ :-D


shihadchick October 9 2007, 08:28:25 UTC
I just. Mal. MAL. I cannot even begin to IMAGINE this or my brain explodes like a cheap special effect in a z-grade movie of the week. OH MY GOD. And I wanted to flail at you in comments except I realised probably that was a smidge rude in a comm I'm not a member of. Because, seriously, my thought process went "oh man, Chris Judge at a con would be so fucking awesome, I wish we could get him and Michael Shanks (who, actually, they were thinking last year they might get for this year, hee) someday down here, ooh, there's a thought, I should check who else is scheduled now-- HOLY FUCKING SHIT." And, you know, then my eyes bugged out of my head.

I just. I am SO FLAILY there is not enough capslock IN THE WORLD please excuse me flailing all over you in the meantime. Oh man. Memo to self: make sure I actually CHARGE THE CAMERA BATTERY this year. (There was, uh. A small problem that way last year. And sadly my Colin Cunningham and David Nykl ninja-style-audience-photos suffered markedly by it.)


blue_raven October 9 2007, 08:31:22 UTC
SRSLY. I heard you. Really. I knew about Chris Judge, but WHEE Connor Trinneer! This will indeed be made of AWESOME.

Seeing I was the one needed sitting on supervising last year, I am more than happy to prevent you from Doing Something Silly this year.

Also, if you need an extra for pub quiz the Tuesday night I'm there, I am full of useless trivia and suchlike. Or even as a cheering section. :)


shihadchick October 9 2007, 08:33:11 UTC
I DO NOT DOUBT THIS. YES, THAT WAS THAT MYSTERIOUS AUCKLAND BASED SOUND. :D I just. Duuuuuuude. *crosses fingers, legs, toes, and also eyes*

Heeeeeeeeee. And thank you. I suspect it will be a sadly necessary state of affairs.

I actually JUST said to mum earlier tonight "and we'll have Ange next week!" so, uh, believe me, I was totally counting you in (without having asked first. Hi. I am totally Proper and Correct and was Brought Up Well, I swear.)


blue_raven October 9 2007, 08:45:24 UTC
Dude, I remember the EXACT moment I found out the Nykl was coming to Auckland last year. I was on the ceiling gor six weeks. I COULDN'T SLEEP FOR FIVE DAYS. Oh, honey, just watching you go all fangirl when get up there is going to be hysterical. I had to be dragged out back at one point just so I can scream very loudly into my friend's coat. I'll bring one, just in case. Or a brown paper bag.

*crosses things also*

*laughs* Oops? :)


shihadchick October 9 2007, 08:57:33 UTC
FAIR. And I do not at all BLAME you, dude. I remember what I was like when we heard the rumour about Hewlett (I actually screamed AT WORK, as I think I, um, texted you immediately thereafter. Heh.) Also, I am still tickled that you called that so very accurately. I just-- seriously, if no one cancels? Do NOT let me do anything stupid. And by anything stupid, I mean say anything stupid. You are hereby licensed to use as much force as necessary. *signs paper* *grin* And, oh, that's a good point. I think last time I had to go hide in the bathroom and flail about Colin and his wristband of ultimate guh-ness, so... paper bag sounds good. yes. *nodnod*

(Oh man, I am going to be impossible at work tomorrow. ...wait. I don't have work tomorrow. I have a course t hing. YEAH I AM TOTALLY IN THE MOOD TO *LEARN*. Oh dear.)


morebliss October 9 2007, 08:38:25 UTC
OMG! I am flailing like a crazy person on your behalf!!!! You get to see Michael Kenmore! And Teal'c! And Lt. Colonel John Sheppard!!!! For reals!

I did a breakdown of my finances - i.e. looked at my bank balance and current credit card debt - and realised that Akld Armageddon is not doable. *sigh* But, you will be there! And take photos and post squee-making posts, and snog Joe Flannigan for me, right?! \o/


shihadchick October 9 2007, 08:54:15 UTC
*appreciates your flailing support!* Yes!! I just- I am trying so hard not to get too excited because that way lies disappointment and all, but: OH MY GOD at the sheer possibility.

And, baaaaaaaaaaah, SIGH. I am very saddened by this, because it would've been shiny to hang out more. But, I will be there (barring catastrophe, natch), yes! And, well, if it's anything like last year, I suspect I will be carrying nearly my body weight in recording devices/cameras, so we should be okay on that front. :D And I would say I'd do my best there, too, but I suspect they'll be on the watch for stealth fangirl snogging. (There would normally be a joke here about how even as pretty as he is he's too much of a boy for me to go there. But. FLANIGAN. So. :D However, if it was the Hewlett? Then I would be depending on people to actively sit on me so I wouldn't make a tool of myself/attempt to lick him.)


blue_raven October 9 2007, 09:09:11 UTC
I have an audio tape thing for my iPod, which I used to record the SGA panels last year, and I shall be bringing again this year. They are DEAD USEFUL.

I think if it were the Hewlett as planned, I don't think I'd be able to sit on you, for the foolish behaviour that I'd be exhibiting also. :D


morebliss October 9 2007, 09:34:14 UTC
I would have sold my best friend's first-born to get there if Hewlett was appearing! How nice that his newborn has saved hers ;)

I look forward to your media coverage as well! Youse are 'my girls'!


katrin October 9 2007, 12:56:47 UTC
omg omg omg. Let me know date and time of panels so I can attempt to be in a place where I'll get the phone call (my phone does still receive calls, yes).

Dear Armageddon: I'm thinking two years. Can you please save up some awesome for me? Please? I'll love you forever and ever!


shihadchick October 10 2007, 04:37:01 UTC
DUDE YES. You were the first person I thought of when I managed to parse sentences again. Connor Trinneer! I will let you know ASAP. Ys.

Armageddon: *will totally think about it*


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